Introducing knitting with beads in the BOBBOL 2013 Project Series
Give the gift of friendship with a heartfelt, hand-knitted beaded bracelet. The basic knit stitch and an easy bead knitting technique make Beading Hearts Friendship Bracelet quick and fun for even a beginning bead knitter.
If you have been avoiding learning to knit with beads because you think it is too hard, I hope this little project will tempt you to try. Even if you already know how, I think you will find the project fun (and who knows, you might even pick up a tip or trick along the way).
If you missed the knit-along for Friendship Bracelet, you can purchase the pattern now and still take advantage of the free support articles for making this project.
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Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!
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Hi Jackie
I did it, after doing lot’s of research on bead knitting, I thought oh no not for me the beginner, so after a long time, wondering, can i do it, I decided to try.
I must say this was easier than i thought, I am so happy that i did it with no problems, the Instructions are clear and well written.
Also i like the idea that it is knitted flat, i do not like knitting in the round.
So I am very happy, and i can not wait for more.
Please Jackie I hope the fringe necklace is as easy.
Thanks Jackie so much
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I am one of the ones with trouble downloading the pattern. I have tried several times during the month, and now I’m running out of time. ANy suggestions?
Thanks, Carolyn
Have you tried downloading from Ravelry?
p.s. From your email address, it looks like you are behind a firewall of a government facility. They might be blocking you from doing downloads of this type at work. Probably best to do your download at home on your own computer network.
Hi, Jackie,
I ‘m so glad to have become a member of your Bead and Lace Group.
I had no trouble with the January pattern download–great way to start the New Year.
Thank you.
You are welcome. I’m glad you are here with us, too.
And also that you did not have any trouble with the pattern download. Most people do not. A few have had problems with their computer, but usually can get it worked out. It’s certainly not my intent to let computer problems get in the way of our knitting, lol.
Have fun!
Thank you for the pattern Jackie, you are a star, it is such a lovely way to show friendship to someone .
When you go to scroll down and see dancing with Jesus
I died and met Jesus short and sweet. Enjoy
Love from Brenda
Pingback: Combining beads and yarn: Learning to make good choices | Knit HeartStrings
Pingback: Stringing Beads Without Special Equipment | Knit HeartStrings
Pingback: Beaded Garter Stitch: fun and easy knitting with beads | Knit HeartStrings
I wasn’t sure about this project at first then realized my 15 year old grand daughter LOVES HEARTS and this is perfect for her. SOOOOO going to definitely do it! I am working on a pair of socks right now that have beads, the method is crochet hook to apply the beads, will DO IT LIKE YOU SAY Jackie
Has been about 38 years since I knitted beaded jewelry….time to do it this method again! Thanks for the project.!
This is so cute! I’ve done bead weaving, stringing, and wire work but don’t think I’ve knitted with beads. What a fun way to start! Thank you for the pattern!
Do you know of the way to use a size 14 steel crochet hook to put the beads on as you go instead of stringing them on before you start?
Sometimes pre-stringing the beads can shread the yarn as you move them up and down the yarn especially if you are doing a big item with lots of beads.
I would love to know how the crochet method works and what you think about it.
Thanks so much for these tutorials.
I have found them so helpful.
Hi Denise,
Yes, I know the way crochet hook method for placing beads.
And we will be using that method on some future projects. There are many different methods of knitting with beads. They produce different design results. And there are pros and cons in each method. These will be covered as we go along in this year’s series of bit-sized projects and tutorials. Can you trust me meantime that I am using a method in each of our projects that is chosen for good reasons? Hope you enjoy this month’s project!
Great! This is exactly what I want to know.
Stringing beads and using a crochet hook to put them on yields different looks in the finished product.
I just finished a huge stole that was beaded. It used both the stringing and hook methods for the beads. When I get it blocked, I’ll post a picture so everyone can see.
Thank you, Jackie. I’m very excited about the BOBBOB series. I have dabbled in beading[barely] but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, have admired but found somewhat daunting. Small projects with your expert advice and tips will be a wonderful way to venture further into the water. A happy and creative new year to you and all your readers.
Pingback: Kicking off BOBBOL 2013 with Beads | Knit HeartStrings
Thank you very much for this pattern. I will try it very soon. I have never knit with beads in all my years of knitting – this will be a good intro for me, thanks again for this pretty pattern. My Granddaughter will love it I am sure.
That is so cute. I haven’t knit with beads yet just for the reasons you’ve stated. That is short and looks quite easy. Thank you so much for the pattern.