Transferring Strings of Beads

Although I usually do not use Czech seed beads, I sometimes do for purely decorative items. Such is the case for this month’s KAL project for a little beaded pumpkin.

Czech seed beads are usually sold in hanks of beads that have been pre-strung on a thin temporary string. Each string usually is strung with 20″ of beads. There are twelve of these 20″ strands of beads that are looped in half and tied together at the top, thus comprising what is called a hank of beads.

Hank of Seed Beads

Hank of Seed Beads

When a decorative project calls for a lot of tiny seed beads in the same color, such as our little pumpkin, we can take advantage of the beads like this that are pre-strung. Here is a step-by-step photo tutorial showing how to quickly transfer beads from the thin temporary thread onto your regular project thread.

p.s. This tutorial is also hot-linked in your Little Beaded Pumpkin pattern. If you are working from your pattern while online, you can click the word “Transfer” in the String Beads section of the pattern and that will bring up the tutorial for you.

p.p.s. For Premium Level members, the Transferring Pre-strung Beads tutorial is also available as a free download in PDF format in the PDF Articles area.

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2 Responses to Transferring Strings of Beads

  1. Pingback: Kick-off for February KAL: Irish Coffee Cozy | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  2. Barbara Fox says:

    After Jackie emailed me I went back to the tutorial and tried harder.
    I got a few beads on and kept breaking the thread. This may be best for someone careful and patient. I still like the pumpkin, though.
    thanks Jackie for the pattern and the help!

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