August project: Spiraling Diamonds Lace-edged Towel

Are you ready for this month’s Bits of Lace project? It is the Spiraling Diamonds Lace-edged Towel. We will be knitting a lace edging to turn an ordinary towel into something extraordinary. I’m excited about it and hope you will like it, too. Whether for yourself or a gift for someone else, your Spiraling Diamonds Lace-edged Towel will have a special place in the heart and home.

[wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_image link=”” description=”Spiraling Diamonds Lace-edged Towel”  source=”” title=”Knitting Bits of Lace Series”]

Use this pattern as written to decorate a small hand towel, or feel free to make the lace edging for a smaller fingertip or a larger bath towel.

This August project pattern will be available free to members through the end of August only. Download the pattern now and knit along while learning throughout the coming weeks with bonus bit-size tutorials, tips & techniques.

Knit along, learn along, and enjoy the making!

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7 Responses to August project: Spiraling Diamonds Lace-edged Towel

  1. Catherine says:

    The lace edge looks beautiful. I have yet to try it. There is not enough time in the day. I bought needles to tat some edging and have yet to get to that. Someday……

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  6. MarieAnge says:

    Beautiful easy to make lace!
    Thank you for teaching and sharing these with us.

  7. Patty T says:

    What a beautiful gift idea! Perfect for a wedding shower!

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