Kicking off “Bits of Lace”

Drum roll … this new Knit HeartStrings membership site is still barebones. But I don’t see any reason to hold off rolling out the first pattern of the 2012 series for Bits of Lace now. I have lots of other features and content planned to add to the site. So I hope you will join in now to start taking advantage of it all.

I’m sending out the announcement tonight to almost 700 members of my HeartStrings newsletter who have already signed up for Bits of Lace.  I would keep my fingers crossed that there are no major hiccups with the new site, but then I wouldn’t be able to knit! Sometimes computers drive me crazy.

I’m planning to have a darling little lace pattern project each month of 2012 that will take only a bit of materials (so it doesn’t put a dent in the pocketbook) and a small amount of time (to better squeeze into our busy lives).

I’ll be posting tips and tricks all along. And it is a chance for all members to join in the conversation by posting comments and photos.  If there is a question, or just want to contribute other ideas and variations you are doing, that is fine, too!

Knitted lace edgings are a beautiful addition to garments, linens, and accessories. Because these trims are typically done on just a few stitches, they are a practical way to explore the structure and techniques of knitted lace. Each project will take just a small amount of materials and time. Enjoy!

[wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_image link=”” description=”Quick Lace-Edged Baby Socks” source=”” title=”Knitting Bits of Lace Series”]

This month’s free pattern Quick Lace-Edged Baby Socks. Grab it now from the Free Content page after you REGISTER for this site if you have previously done so.  (When registering, for the Email field, you can use the same email address you are using to subscribe to the HeartStrings newsletter – that way you won’t get duplicate email newsletters.) Then Login and you are good to go.

Not subscribed to the HeartStrings newsletter? Go ahead and Register here at this site. Then be sure to activate your newsletter subscription when I send you the confirmation email.

Happy “Bits of Lace” knitting to everyone!


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12 Responses to Kicking off “Bits of Lace”

  1. Pingback: It's Here! Get Your Smoke Ring KAL Pattern Now | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  2. Susan (sjanova) says:

    It just clicked. I am knitting a pink baby blanket and have almost finished a little girl cardigan and so….. now I really have a good reason to get this little sock edging knit right and attached to add to this baby gift. Finally !!!! I’ll get out the skinnier needles next week and give it a second try.

  3. Susan (sjanova) says:

    Jackie, I knit the baby sock edging using thread and needle recommended. Did the number of repeats you noted you had done. I’m usually a relatively tight knitter. But what I got, while it fits ok around the baby sock — 0-6 mo from Target — is about an inch deep and is a much looser fabric than what you show in the photo. Suspect that one size smaller needle (1.5 mm) might not be enough smaller to narrow the lace edging. Hmmm. (And I’m not a novice lace knitter, btw. Just not used to knitting lace with thread.) Suggestions?

  4. heart2knit says:

    I adore lace knitting, but my attempts so far usually haven’t been successful. These small & short instructions, with little projects, seem just right. Looking forward to following this! 🙂

  5. Shirley says:

    I’m not doing this one because I sprained my wrist… 🙁 but I love the lace. I think Bits of Lace is a great idea. I love lace and hope to become a lot more proficient at it. Practice, practice , practice!

  6. Sharon Ratliff says:

    Fast and fun (once I figured out what I was doing wrong). Thanks

  7. Pingback: Taking the art of knitting to new heights | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  8. Becky Worthington says:

    Sooooo nice!! Gives me ideas for edging all kinds of good things!!

  9. KathleenC says:

    Very sweet! Thanks for the new fun!

  10. marie stanley says:

    Thank you ! So very kind!

  11. Julia Mason says:

    I will be knitting the lace and put it on some baby socks. My neighbor across the street from me, is having twins soon.I will make this lace and maybe put it around a baby blanket also.

  12. Debbie A Davenport says:

    Very cute socks. I’m thinking it would be a nice edging for any little girl, even the little girl within me.
    I’m an experienced knitter and have done lace before, thou I don’t feel proficient at it and I would like to be. So I’m looking forward to the opportunity. Thanks Debbie

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