Lace Cable Bookmark and a chance to learn to use charts (if you want to)

Grab this month’s free pdf download pattern for Lace Cable Bookmark now through May  25, 2012 at the Free Membership Pattern page.

Way back on January 26, 2012, Cerddin of Canterbury, England asked:

Thanks Jackie
I love lace knitting even if I am a bit slow. I prefer charts to written instructions – will you be producing any of the patterns as charts? Well done on all you do.

The answer is a resounding “yes”. In fact, this month’s little project will be the introduction to charted instructions.

Lace Cable Bookmark is not a lace edging per se (i.e. there is not the usual shaped edge on one side). The simple rectangular shape will allow you to concentrate on learning the basics of knitting lace with charts without the distraction of simultaneously dealing with a shaped edge. But hang in there, because we definitely have future monthly projects that are more complex and have both charted instructions and shaped edges!

[wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_image link=”” description=”Lace Cable Bookmark” source=”” title=”Knitting Bits of Lace Series”]

Stay tuned for follow-up tutorials, tips & techniques on this site. And don’t forget to also visit HeartStrings FiberArts for other inspiration and patterns offered by retailers of Jackie E-S’s designs.

p.s. Don’t be scared that this month’s project introduces charts. Even if you have not used charts in the past, there are written instructions to help ease your way into feeling comfortable using charts (if you want to).

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7 Responses to Lace Cable Bookmark and a chance to learn to use charts (if you want to)

  1. Barbara says:

    I’ve enjoyed doing this, but I find k2tog tbl a real pain with tiny needles and cotton so did slip knit psso and actually liked the result more, as well as being easier to do. I used white crochet cotton and then dyed the bookmark in tea, so it looks nicely aged. Then I gave it away, as I don’t read paper books much now, having gone electronic except for knitting patterns which I do print out.

    A few repeats widthwise would make a nice washcloth in thicker cotton, think I’ll try that.

    Oh, yes, I keep my place with pencil marks at the end of the line.

  2. Pingback: Charting the chain stitch selvedge | Knit HeartStrings

  3. Connie says:


    The blue lace edging on your home page is beautiful. Is that pattern available anywhere?

    • jackiees says:

      My plan is that project instructions for each lace edging shown will eventually be offered as one of the monthly project patterns.

  4. Deena says:

    I also want to thank you Jackie, I’ve been trying to learn charts but have a very difficult time with them. My problem is that they’re like trying to read all capitol letters for me, I get mini seizures and then floaters in my eyes and a whopper of a headache. Apparently it part of my wonderful Fibromyalgia. Do you have any suggestions to help me read charts? I’m choosing patterns that are written because of this reaction.


  5. Katherine says:

    Great Jackie:
    Thanks for including learning to use charts because I never use the chart if there are line by line instructions. I get stressed worrying about making mistakes or loosing my place in the chart.

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