Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat

Today marks the kick-off for February’s BOBBOL 2013 Knit-A-Long!

For February we are getting back to doing lace by making the Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat. This project is the first in BOBBOL 2013 to expand our scope of Bits of Lace beyond edgings into other types of small lace projects.

[wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_image link=”” description=”Preemie Hat on an apple simulates the size of a large premature baby’s head” source=”” title=”BOBBOL 2013 Series”]

The Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat is simply knit flat back and forth on 2 needles in a herringbone lace and ribbed pattern stitch. What is clever is the seemingly seamless seam that turns this flat knitting into a circular hat. This pattern reveals the secret that makes this work. Your knitting friends won’t believe you didn’t knit this hat in-the-round!

Note: Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat is sized for premature babies, but you can easily upsize it for larger newborns and older babies by adding pattern repeats or making with thicker yarn on larger size needles.

Get on over to the Free Member Pattern area now to get started with us making the Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat.

p.s. The pattern for the Preemie Hat will be free to members only during February 2013.  There will NOT be a pdf download available during February. Instead, the pattern will be posted in pieces and available on special member-only content pages at this website.

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5 Responses to Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat

  1. Velia Melrose says:

    Thanks so much Jackie for this pattern and your excellent instructions and photos for the seam! It is so much fun to have learned something new in knitting after all these years! I had never seen this done before!

  2. Sylvia says:

    My question is for Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat. I would like to know how it could be made into a newborn (big enough to fit a grapefruit when made) hat. The hospital that I knit for does not need preemie all the time, so I look for new ways to change the pattern if possible.
    Thank You

    • jackiees says:

      That’s a good lead-in, as I had planned to do a bit-sized tutorial about sizing that will be posted in the upcoming week.

  3. suny says:

    What a wonderful idea for a little baby hat.
    In our area we make as many little baby hats for all the hospitals around so that each a every tiny baby goes home with a new little hand knitted hat.
    What a lovely idea.

    p/s Any ideas for a tea pot cozy?

  4. Doris says:

    Wouldn’t you know it… the first pattern that I would have preferred to get in one shot is going to be a KAL. lol. My daughter-in-law’s best friend just had a preemie this week and I would have whipped one out and sent it to her.

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