Uses for Little Lacy Leaf Medallions

How are you coming along on the little Oak Leaf? I’m delighted to hear from so many of you excited about this month’s Bits of Lace project.

Lacy Oak Leaf Medallion

Personally, I don’t have to have an end-use in mind beforehand for everything I knit (you might have guessed that I am moreso a process knitter than a product knitter). But I sense that many people do want to have a purpose, and that is why I thought this would be a good time to get our heads together on ideas. Just in case some of your are hesitant to knit such a seemingly frivolous item of whimsy, lol.

The Lurking Question: Now, what are you going to do with it?

Here are some I’ve heard of so far.

  • Decorate for Fall
    For example, knit several leaves to decorate a Thanksgiving table (and some people even plan to gift the leaves to their guests — what lucky guests!)
  • Appliqué a leaf (or two or three, lol) to a sweater or hat.
    For inspiration, check out klaartjevb‘s hat on Ravelry. She used pretty off-white yarn to knit a basic hat. Then attached a leaf she had knit in autumn-colored sock yarn (in this case, a Maple Leaf medallion from the Playing the Leaves pattern). Very pretty.
  • Add a handmade touch to a commercial garment for a special gift they will remember.
    It takes hardly any time to knit a little lacy leaf medallion and use it as an appliqué embellishment on a commercial garment or accessory.(Some of you might remember how we used this type of tactic in a project earlier this year, the Quick Lace-edged Baby Socks, to have a nice hand-made touch with a small amount of time and materials invested.)
  • Use medallions as small doilies or coasters.
    The Bits of Lace Oak Leaf works up to just about the perfect size for a coaster to set beneath your favorite beverage.
  • Make a scarf of interconnected medallions.
    I love this idea. It comes from KathleenC who wrote “I want to make a scarf out of interconnected leaf and flower shapes.” Read more about her idea in the Oct 10th Comments at the pattern page for Bits of Lace Oak Leaf.

Can you add some more ideas? Free free to leave them in the comments area below. Let’s get the yarn ball rolling!

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6 Responses to Uses for Little Lacy Leaf Medallions

  1. Christine says:

    I made several in bright colors and attached them to my luggage so I can quickly see them amongst all the other luggage and it makes them look pretty.

  2. Jinky says:

    i hope you can post photos of these knitted leaf made into something special.. like what they commentators where saying 🙂

  3. Janet says:

    I think doing these in 2 or 3 different weights of Autumn-colored cotton yarn (so they are different sizes), soaking them in fabric stiffener or starch, and stringing them across my fireplace mantel would be a nice touch.

    You could even go for a mobile.


  4. berigora says:

    They make great book marks – much more attractive than the usual ribbon style.

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