What’s coming up for Bits of Lace?

From what I am hearing from so many of you, we are having fun! And learning and sharing, or just having an excuse to knit up some bit-size lace gifts for ourselves or loved ones. I am thrilled you are here to join in the fun, learning and sharing. With that, I am obviously encouraged to give it my all in continuing to bring you more good stuff.

Here’s a peek at the Bits of Lace calendar planned for the rest of the year (or at least what I hope it will be). As future months get closer, I’ll fill you in on more details about supplies and the learning points we expect to cover …

July: Christmas in July! Victorian-style ornament featuring beaded lace edging. Tiny thread. Tiny needles. We’ll cover these so you will feel more comfortable. The beads are optional embellishment, but it’s an easy project for stringing and knitting with beads if you’ve been wanting to try this. I’ll be back soon with the supplies list so you can shop or stash-dive in time to begin when the July free membership project goes live.

August: Lace-edged towel.

September: Lace-edged round fabric-center doily.

October: Lace-edged hanky.

November: Dolly shawl (top-down) with an attached edging as a bind off.

December: Wrap it up with lace ribbons!

How does this sound?

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23 Responses to What’s coming up for Bits of Lace?

  1. Jessica says:

    I love the explanation and ease to reading your patterns. I was not previously a lace knitter – at all! I shied away from it and couldn’t understand the charting systems, nor could I look at an item and re-create it the way I instinctively learned with crochet as a child. I’ve only knitted a handful of your patterns, but I’m sure I will do more! My knitting skills are growing SO quickly in regards to texture, lace, and beading. Thank you so much Jackie!

  2. linda says:

    I so enjoy your patterns and tutorials, have really learned a great deal. I look forward each month to the new pattern. The extra info you share is also helpful.

    By the way, if you remember the leaf we did, I have made seeems like tons for gifts and everyone loves them. (I made coasters). thanks again for all you do.

  3. Patricia says:

    I love this site

    I am just having problems signing in

    I am so addicted to lace and Fair Ilse knitting

  4. Jamie says:

    Thanks, Jackie! This is fun and highly addicitive!!!

  5. Connie says:

    Love your patterns and enjoy using them. I agree that lace ribbons need to be in November so we can finish for Christmas. Thanks for your consideration and your graciousness.

  6. Janey says:

    Oh, I am going to like – really like – our upcoming projects!
    I can remember (a lot of years ago) staying overnight at a schoolfriend’s cottage – where both the sheets and towels had an edging.
    I’ve never gotten around to trying to sew an edging on either sheets or towels – but I am more than willing to knit one!

  7. Frederica says:

    Oh, I cannot wait for December!!! Maybe you should make this one for November so we have time to make them for Christmas gifts that we mail.

    • jackiees says:

      I’ve planned the December project to be really easy, quick since I don’t expect many will have the time or concentration for something more involved (like the project for November). So it isn’t really going to work to switch those around. I’d already planned to post the Lace Ribbons project a little early to give a bit more lead time for sending out gifts (probably right after Thanksgiving, but it will still be designated as the December project). How does that sound?

      • Connie says:

        Should have read all the comments first. Understan about not switching the months. Thanks for posting it early though.

  8. Marianne says:

    I have not been able to keep up with all the previous projects, but! I am just about finished with the bookmark (I’m making it special for my daughter in law’s birthday) Of course I have to make about 5 more to make everyone that has seen it happy! So looking forward to all that you have planned.. thank you so much for teaching me a new part of this craft!

  9. Terry says:

    I have certainly enjoyed each new segment. Enjoyable to learn something new and different applications. Looking forward to more!

  10. Pingback: The Key to Keeping Your Free Membership Active | Knit HeartStrings

  11. Kim says:

    I have just registered for Bits of Lace. A question: Is it possible to get the patterns for the months I have missed? I am very keen to try the bookmark and the edging for the baby socks.

  12. Linda Epstein says:

    I have enjoyed the learning thus far and look forward to the projects you have in store for us through the end of 2012. Thanks ever so much for sharing of your experience and knowledge with all of us. Safe travels and hope the conference/show goes well.

  13. Maryann says:

    … looking forward to them all!

  14. LindaJ says:

    I think I’m going to learn a lot! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  15. Kathy Sue says:

    Sounds like fun!

  16. MarieAnge says:

    Looking forward to seeing these!

    I was wondering what type of lace you would recommend for adding to the hem of a summer dress. It’s a bit short and I’d like to extend the length with a lace edge. Would the sock cuff edging work or should I go for something different?

    • jackiees says:

      I think the Lacy Cable Scallop Edging will look very nice for your summer dress. This edging is not very fiddly as it does not need careful blocking to stay looking attractive, imho. Something to be considered on things that will be washed frequently, like socks and summer dresses.

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