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39 Responses to Help

  1. Susan says:


    I just paid for the Premium Membership using Paypal, and after the payment was submitted & I was returned to the HeartStrings site, I received the following message on your website ”
    PDT verification failed! Could not verify the authenticity of the payment with PayPal!” Now I got notification from my PayPal account that the payment went through. So I am trying to determine what this means, if you could please advise.

    Thank you for your prompt assistance.

    Susan 🙂

    • jackiees says:

      Thank you for the detailed error message. I don’t know what it means, but I will look into it. It sounds like PayPal was having some kind of problem. Don’t worry though, I will make sure your membership is set up correctly so you don’t miss out on anything. And thank you for upgrading to Premium! Your support and participation means a lot.

    • Joan says:

      Me Too..same message.

    • Diane Cagnon-Ciolek says:

      I also received the same message. I also checked PayPal and my payment HAD processed. I did get a confirming email from Jackie AND when I logged in, everything was okay. All is good for me.

      • jackiees says:

        I think I finally figured out where the message is coming from, and (hopefully) it will not occur any longer. Normally Paypal passes the download links into the Thank You page that you see after your purchase, but since there is nothing to download with a membership purchase, Paypal was getting confused.

  2. Ubedrmadchen says:

    Hi Jackie,

    Just upgraded to the premium level. I would like to download the December Lace Beret, but I can’t find the Coupon Code mentioned anywhere. What am I missing?

    • jackiees says:

      Linda, Welcome to Premium! Thank you for upgrading.
      The coupon codes are on the Ravelry Library Delivery page (this is a sub-menu item under the Premium Area; or if looking for it later, you can also just go to Premium Area main menu page and click on the link to the Ravelry coupon page there).
      Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

      Jackie E-S

  3. Barbara R. says:

    Hello! Please tell me where I can find the pattern for the scarf with beads done in the variaged yarn with long color changes. I see it on the banner of some of the pages but am unable to find the lovely pattern and yarn it used. I will to copy/paste the photo here.

    Thank you,
    Barbara Reynolds

  4. Mindy Williams says:

    Hi Jackie, not sure how your weather is but ours took a real turn for the fall!! It’s been in the 40’s now for 4 days my husband is in Houston tho is week so I had to give in and turned on the heat!

    I am writing because I want to join the gift along group. I bought your lace for the towel edge and I have it started. But when I go into ravelry knitting I can’t find where to join and ask any questions. I don’t know what they mean about posting pictures to “FO” blog/post or how to join the discussion. Can you direct me to it? I am doing the lace in a ice blue color, then I am going to sew it to a cream towel and finish it by adding a snowman by embroidery. I assume we can be creative in our use of the patterns right,

    Thank you

    • jackiees says:

      The Join page for the Indie Design Gift-A-long on Ravelry is here. You’ll probably also want to read through the pages on the group board here that explain how to participate, etc.

      Thank you for purchasing the Spiraling Diamonds Lace-Edged Towel pattern. For the giftalong event on Ravelry going on Nov 1 – 3, for that towel project you will want to participate in the Ravelry forum thread called KAL/CAL- Non-Wearables.

      In case others are wondering what we are talking about going on at Ravelry, you can go to my HeartStrings FiberArts website here. I will also be posting about it here on our KnitHeartStrings site as soon as possible.

      Mindy, Let me know if you need any more help in getting to the right place on Ravelry. Looking forward to seeing your name come up on Ravelry as one of the Gift-A-Long participants.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    I was going through my files from previous KAL’s; my copy of the pattern for ‘ Pretty Awesome Yarn Pouch’ will not open; I am not sure what happened to this file but I am very upset that it is unreadable. s there any way that you could send a copy of it to me? I have the files for doing the gathered woven closure and all the tips; jut the pattern itself is corrupt.
    Thank you so much,

  6. Betty White says:

    I am finishing the Bit of Lace Dolly shawl pattern and having trouble understanding the directions for the edging. I cast on the 4st. cable cast on. The next paragraph says to start the lace edging to be attached to the shawl. When I start Row 1 of the lace edging, I have more than 7 stitches. In row 2, I am still putting stitches on the right needle, so how do I go backwards and k1 & p1 into the yo of Row 1? The shawl is turning out beautifully, but I am at a loss to understand the directions of the edging.
    Can you clarify these instructions for me?

  7. Cecelia in Arkansas says:

    thanks for the pointers
    i think i missed the fact that after the first shift of one stitch from right to left,
    the remaining stitch shifts are from left to right.
    guess i’ll try again.
    thanks for your prompt response

  8. cecelia in arkansas says:

    Just got around to the awesome lace yarn bag and what a mess. i’m a long time lace knitter but moving the EOR marker one to the right destroyed my sequence and alignment. Had to tear it all out. Don’t understand how an already knit stitch, which is also part of a previous decrease, becomes part of the next round. It threw all of my bead loaded stitches one off. What am i missing?

  9. Caren Diebold says:

    I need the pattern for the ornament kit that I ordered. When clicking on the pattern reference, I got the web page and couldn’t log in or anything. It was a neat conversation but I thought I mentioned that I needed the patter for the ornamets. I was really excited to get the kit today and went to make it and no pattern to be found anywhere….disapointment major!!!:(…….how do I download the patttern I purchased? I don’t have this many problems with other websited as yours…like ravelry, etc. Please help me, I really want to learn lace knitting but have been super frustrated with your site…I’m about ready to give up…please help…Caren

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Caren, I do also sell on Ravelry so if you prefer to purchase downloads there, that could work better for you? I am not sure why you are having problems with logging into this website. Feel free to call me though at 985-764-8094. That is my studio and I usually can take your call. If not, leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

      • Caren Diebold says:

        am I able to download the onament pattern at ravelry? I didn’t purchase it there?!? I still need the pattern…the kit is useless without it…I thought it would be included in the kit….confused…C

        • jackiees says:

          The 2 Supplies Paks you purchased for making the Satin Lace Ornaments contain the materials only. They are not Kits (i.e. they do not contain the pattern). I include this in the description and say that you have to purchase the pattern separately if you don’t already have it (but apparently still not obvious enough; I will see what I can do to avoid the confusion in future).

          Supplies Paks are a good option if you already have the pattern or want to make more than one without having to buy a second kit that includes the pattern in its price.

          • Caren Diebold says:

            wish you had said earlier that the pattern wasn’t included….saddened by your confusing site…hope things improve or perhaps I’m just stupid! but it sounds like it is a difficult site from the other comments…hope it improves!!!

            • jackiees says:

              Over the last 1+ years since the site first began, there have been many improvements and refinements. Any problems that you might have seen in comments have been personally addressed by me. I will continue to do the best I can for all the members here.

  10. Janie says:

    I look forward to starting this month’s free pattern. I haven’t had any problems with downloads or signing in, so far. :>) Thanks for the info…I hope I can do it.

  11. Mary says:

    i can’t download March bag pattern. This is what I get. The secure download manager ran into a problem that it couldn’t handle, and is unable to process your download request. Please contact the site administrator.

    Please tell the site administrator the problem was due to the following reason:
    The file (on the server) containing your download couldn’t be opened.

  12. laura says:

    I was unable to download the pattern/tutorial for the leaf beacuase of Hurricane Sandy. I know I waited until the last minute, but is there any way to get it? Thanks Laura

    • jackiees says:

      The Oak Leaf pattern is available for sale in the Store. Tutorials for the entire year so far are still available for free viewing when you are logged in.

  13. Marie K says:

    I still cannot seem to download the leaf patterns. Can you please help me?

  14. Jeanne says:

    I am getting really frustrated with this site…each time I want to download a pattern I am told that I need to log in yet when I go to that page yet again, I am told that I am logged in….so here it is the end of the month again and another pattern won’t be done…I didn’t worry about it too much over the summer because I had a number of other things that had to be done however that doesn’t mean I didn’t try to get access. Any suggestions?????

  15. Lesley says:

    Hello Jackie, I am so enjoying the Bits of Lace projects but am a little behind with them. Please could you give me a little help with the Lace Cable Bookmark Line 19.
    How do I do the yo after the k2 and before the sl 1-k2tog-psso in view of the instructions that the sl 1 is purlwise with yarn at the back? Thank you.

    • jackiees says:

      Be sure you have your knitting needles in hand so you can actually see what is being described here (i.e. don’t just try to work it out in your head beforehand):

      Make your yarn over as usual as though you had just completed a k stitch and the next stitch was going to be a k; i.e. bring yarn to front between needle tips, then from front to back over right-hand needle to make the yarn over stitch.

      Now, with your yarn still held in back of the needle after competing the yarn over stitch, go ahead and sl 1 purlwise with yarn held in back.

      That’s all there is to it. Are you good to go now?

      • Lesley says:

        Thank you so much Jackie – I was over thinking the whole thing.
        I have got it. Appreciate your quick and beautifully explained help.

  16. Engteacher says:

    I have been trying off and on for the month of September to download the lace pattern. Somehow, I am sent in circles. Status on the right says I am Engteacher membership is FREE, account status ACTIVE, but I cannot download the pattern. When I try, I am either charged for it or I receive a message that I must login. When I do, I get a message that “that username is already in use”. Please help. I love to knit lace with crochet thread. Thank you.

    • jackiees says:

      I am not sure how you could have been charged for September’s Lace-edged Doily pattern earlier this month, because it wasn’t even available for sale anywhere.!I just set it up in the new Store 2 days ago.

      And anyway, ever since we began Bits of Lace in January, members have always been directed to go to the Free Membership Pattern area to get that month’s pattern for free.

      I’m really at a loss as to why you might be having problems. I think it would be best if we work through this offline. I will contact you via your email address.

      • Tunie Moreno says:

        Hi Jacky,
        I, too, am being sent in circles trying to download this Sept pattern today (Sept 24 here in Australia). I’m logged in and my membership shows active, etc. But the pattern is eluding me trying to download it. Could you please help? I’m going nutso trying to get it. Many thanks, Tunie (peacockmom on Rav)

        • jackiees says:

          I talked with Engteacher offline, and she was able to download the September pattern after all, and was not sure what she had been doing wrong. So I am likewise not sure what to suggest to you, other than to try again under the Free Membership Pattern menu.

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