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42 Responses to Register for Access to Member-Only Articles

  1. Pingback: KnitHeartStrings - Best for Learning Knitting - Gratisaur

  2. Pingback: Kicking off BOBBOL for March :: Pretty Awesome Yarn Pouch | Knit HeartStrings

  3. Janet Shott says:

    Cannot get registered. says name already taken etc. What is wrong?

  4. Pingback: Free Download Offer Period for Members | Knit HeartStrings

  5. Connie Raby says:

    Dear Jackie,
    I have sent one email already, and hope this won’t annoy you, but I’m fearful I may already be too late to obtain the free pattern for the lace doily. I am having trouble. I have signed in using “blueyedquilter” and given my password, but have been totally unable to download a free copy of the pattern for the doily. Am I missing something or should I have to pay given my “free” membership? Thank you so much for any help you can give me!

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Connie, You are not too late to get the September pattern. It’s still September and it will be available through the end of the month.

      Yes, there is a price shown for the pattern (that is what it will normally cost). But as a member of Knit HeartStrings Bits of Lace (and the system will only know this if you are logged in), you will see a “Download” button just under the price. Click that. You will not be charged.

      (If you were NOT logged in, or were someone else who is not a member, then they would see a “Buy Now” button instead, and they would then check out with Paypal to get the pattern via the shopping cart process).

      • Tunie Moreno says:

        Hi Jacky,
        I still cannot make it download for the September pattern. The right hand column says I’m logged in, active member, the box with the doiley shows a download button to click, however it takes me round in circles as it did before. I’d really like to have access to the patterns. Please help me sort this out? Thanks.

        • jackiees says:

          It sounds like you have your web browser set up to view the downloaded pattern in your browser window. You could save the file from there I think?

          Do you have someone close by that could help you change your browser settings to download the pattern file to the download folder on your computer hard-drive? Then double click the file to launch the pattern in Adobe Reader. That should give you more options of how to scroll through the multiple pages of the pattern, print, etc.

  6. valéria cavallini says:

    os trabalhos são lindos

  7. Irene says:

    I just found this group while browsing ravelry. I just LOVE the (lace) towel pattern! Although i learned to knit about 45 yrs ago, I only took up knitting seriously in the last 3yrs after teaching myself continental. At this point, I’ve made up for lost time having made lots of items, from socks to sweaters to shawls in most weights of yarn from lace weight to bulky.

  8. Mary Maslayak says:

    I’m anxious to leasrn lace knitting.

  9. Mye says:

    Love knitting and crocheting!

  10. Marina says:

    Hello! I’m from Russia. My name is Marina. I love to knit very much! Allow me to becom a member of your community.

  11. Linda Epstein says:

    I’ve been crocheting and knitting since age five, having added cross stitch, candlewicking, sewing/serging, weaving (rigid heddle, triangle, square, round and rectangle looms), and latest being the knitted lace, entrelac, domino knitting, and beaded weaving. I love learning new things even if they don’t turn out to be an ongoing passion. Jackie you have been such a big help in demystifying the whole lace process. I used to skip some very lovely patterns just because they had only the chart to work from, but thanks to you not any more. I eagerly look forward to each month, seeing the interaction among learners, and of course trying something that is beautiful, new and fun to do. Thanks!

  12. Karen says:

    I had the same problem. Couldn’t sign in usingpassword sent to me..twice! Ended up opening a new account! Frustrating!

  13. My password is not working. I just signed up and it says it’s wrong…

  14. Geri Gale says:

    Don’t know what the problem is but I am unable to sign in. Keep getting the message no key, if I try to register again it tells me the email address is already taken. Please help.


    • jackiees says:

      The Username for logging in is the Username you supplied at registration time (I looked up your registration info, and your Username is gerig – note that it is all lower case).
      It sounds like you are trying to type your email address into the Username field, and that is not going to work. Let me know if this helps.

      • Myra says:

        I have exactly the same problem trying to log in. You sent me a new password which just doesn’t work. Now I’ve reregistered using a different email address. Hope this works.

  15. Annemarie Beardsley says:

    Knitting lace for years and can not stop!

  16. Stella says:

    I do all types of handwork from tatting to appplique and now lace in knitting. Exciting ! I’ve never done lacing so double exciting. Thank you Jackie.

  17. Barbara says:

    I’ve never made lace before. Really looking forward to learning, embellishing.

  18. Pingback: Announcing Bit-size Tutorials, Tips & Techniques | Knit HeartStrings

  19. Mary says:

    I want to learn how to knit lace. It’s so pretty….

  20. June says:

    Woohoo! I’m so excited to be able to learn something new in this new year!

  21. Leslie says:

    I am thrilled to be a part of this group!

  22. Leslie says:

    How exciting! I am thrilled to be a part of this group.

  23. Pingback: Kicking off “Bits of Lace” | Knit HeartStrings

  24. Priscilla Arnett says:

    Should be fun. I’ve done a lot of lace knitting but I am always ready to learn more!

  25. Pingback: Taking the art of knitting to new heights | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  26. Phyllis Ballou says:

    Jackie, you’re the GREATEST! Love your designs and patterns! Have knitted one of your Foroese lace capes, because your directions are easy. I struggle with other lace patterns. What I am looking for at present is a pattern for sleeves which I can knit in lace for several sleeveless blouses I have. In Florida it is too hot to wear them with a jacket always, and I do not like to show my upper arms and undrarms. So please design for me a lace pattern or 3 which I could knit and then sew onto my nice blouses for summer! This edging idea (on the socks) I thought falls in line with my need. And, you’ll never believe it, but I found the exact spring green and the exact medium blue with which to knit or crochet them; I prefer to knit them into a “longer than cap sleeve” length. I’ve had the yarn for over a year! Thanks for trying to help my dilema.
    Phyllis Ballou

  27. TerryBaxter says:

    Fairly new at lace knitting. Looking forward to tips and tricks of the trade. Looking forward to meeting everyone in the group.

  28. Deborah Lawrence says:

    I’ve done a bit of lace knitting but only with sport weight yarn, nothing finer.

  29. Christines says:

    Thanks so much, Jackie! This is lovely!!

  30. Wilma says:

    Thank You, Jackie!
    This is going to be great fun and I can’t wait to start.

  31. Vicki says:

    I’m excited to knit your lace patterns, and learn lots!

  32. Joyce says:

    Looking forward to these new challenges 🙂

  33. Kathy Dimmick says:

    I’ve done some lace knitting but more practice with smaller projects sounds great.

  34. Lee Pachkowski says:

    excited to part of the group and learn new knitting techniques.

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