Upgrade Your Membership

Get more from your KnitHeartStrings membership by upgrading to Basic Level, and even more with Premium Level.

Upgrade to Basic Level

Basic Level gives you

  • the monthly KAL pattern for free
  • unlimited free access to member-only tutorials, tips & techniques articles
  • special birthday gift coupon (enter your birthday month in member profile)

Note: If you already have a member account here at KnitHeartStrings, please be sure you are logged in so that your Basic Level Membership can be automatically applied to your current member account.

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Upgrade to Premium Level

Premium Membership has its privileges.

3 payment subscription plans available for as low as $3.25 / month. Lock in now for these rates.

Premium Level Membership gives you everything in Basic Level plus more. Some of the add-on VIP membership benefits in store for you:

  • Ravelry Library Coupon for current month’s KAL pattern
  • Early access via Ravelry Coupon to next month’s KAL pattern
  • Significant discounts on patterns for previous monthly projects and other specials for premium level members only
  • Automatic entry into monthly prize drawings
  • Access to PDF versions of popular articles for convenient download and reference on your iPad, computer, etc.
  • Higher bonus payback percentages as a premium member in KnitHeartStrings Affiliate Program.

Become a privileged member!

Patty T writes:

I really like the new annual option! (I just purchased it through PayPal.)

This is a wonderful way to show our support for all the “freebies” that you have given us over the years.

Note 1: If you already have a member account here at KnitHeartStrings, please be sure you are logged in so that your Premium Membership can be automatically applied to your current member account.

Note 2: If you are upgrading from Basic to Premium, please contact me so that I can cancel your Basic Level recurring subscription payment in Paypal. If more than 8 months remains until expiry of your current Basic membership, I will also apply a partial refund depending on length remaining.

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18 Responses to Upgrade Your Membership

  1. Susan Biles says:

    I would like to upgrade to a premium membership paying in full but can’t figure out how to do it. Are all your premium memberships sold out? Thanks, Sue

    • Deborah says:

      Sue- I think Jackie has effectively shut down this site. My membership has expired with no way to renew and there has been no new content since last summer. :'( -Deborah

  2. Irma Warner says:

    I am a premium member but because I have so much on my plate I would like to quit after my membership runs out sa much as I enjoy it I find I am not using it the way I can especially if I have so much more in many different areas thank you very much

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Irma, I have taken care that you won’t be charged any more after your currently membership term runs out. I can understand how busy things can get. They’ll be lots more projects coming up to entice and inspire you, so I hope you’ll be able to find a way to fit some into your busy schedule. Just know that you are welcome to knit with us as your time and interest allows. There’s no requirement to always knit everything every time, lol.

  3. Pingback: January Giveaway Winner and New Giveaway for February | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  4. Pingback: New Membership Options and Features | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  5. Pingback: Kicking off Beyond BOBBOL 2014 – Are you in? | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  6. Marianne says:

    Oh I had hoped to join as a premium member this year, but will have to wait a bit longer. I do love your site and your time and talents are such wonderful gifts to so many. After my medical is paid up I’ll join one of the higher levels for sure!! I do believe it is only fair to help with the expenses for all that you have taught me alone I’d spend a lot of time and dollars learning at a yarn shop!!

  7. Virginia Martinez says:

    Hi Jackie,

    I was able to figure out the beaded loop edging after several emails with you , your encouragement helped a lot.

    I completed my Neck Lace and added a clasp to use as jewelry. It took me no more then 4 hours to make this beauty.

    On the other hand the beaded pumpkin took days to thread the beads onto my yarn but it was worth it. It’s just too cute for words.

    Thank you for all the freebies !!!!!


  8. Denise H. says:

    Hi Jackie!

    I feel like I know you so well after buying loads of your fab patterns, taking a wonderful beading class you offered a few years ago at a Sockfest event, and through mutual knitting friends. You’re simply awesome! 🙂

    So, I’m wanting to join up for the Premium Level. Can you tell me, are you automatically notified prior to your next renewal period (monthly, quarterly, or annually), when payment is due, say through a PayPal invoice or by email?

    And, the Little Beaded Pumpkin is adorable! It’s what clinched things for me, and I plan on making oodles for friends this Fall.
    A group of them in varying colors and sizes will make a perfect table display, and would also be great as individual gifts for an Autumn party or Thanksgiving dinner.

    Thank you, Jackie!!

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Denise, Thanks so much for the enthusiastic support.

      As to the Premium Level membership, the subscription is set up via your Paypal account as an automatic payment. Then Paypal handles it thru their system, automatically making payment when next due (of course, until you cancel should you ever want/need to).

      Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

      Jackie E-S

  9. Pingback: July 2013 Giveaway Results – Win Premium Time on KnitHeartStrings | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  10. Susan Parker says:

    Would you please list the PDF articles available? It may entice me to join.

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Susan, Great idea. You can see the list by clicking PDF Articles under the Premium Area menu.

      So far there is very little because no one has made suggestions yet as to what they want. So it’s been a low priority item for me. Maybe this will spark some interest to guide in which articles are the most popular and would provide the most benefit of my converting them to PDF format for download and convenient reference on iPads, etc.

  11. Patty T says:

    I really like the new annual option! (I just purchased it through PayPal.)

    This is a wonderful way to show our support for all the “freebies” that you have given us over the years.

    Thanks, Jackie!

  12. Patty T says:

    Will you be giving a better description of the upgrade benefits?

    What is a Ravelry Library Coupon?

    Will you be offering discounts on HS patterns that have not been previous monthly patterns?

    I might be interested — just need a bit more info.

    Happy Lace Knitting!

    • jackiees says:

      Yes, there will be more details a-comin’. This is just a start. I’m trying to keep up with getting the free patterns and articles written up at the same time. Never enough time in the day. lol.

      Re. Ravelry Library Coupon
      Some people like to store the monthly pattern in their Ravelry library. Unless you purchase on Ravelry, there currently is not a way to put the pattern into your Ravelry library. This coupon will do that for you. Basically, you purchase the pattern on Ravelry, but apply the special coupon code which will offset the cost to you.

      Re. Discounts
      In general, here is my current thinking — There might be occasional discounts on other patterns that relate to the projects we are doing. Rather than too much heavy focus on discounts though (I don’t want to appear to be unnecessarily competing with the wonderful yarn shops that carry my patterns), I plan to offer fun things like prize giveaways exclusive to premium members, and also ways that you can earn money by being a superfan (basically just spreading the word to your knitting friends but you get some pocket money to buy more patterns or yarn or whatever).

      The site etc. does cost me quite a bit to keep it going with 1000’s of members and patterns going out each month — I think that sometimes people do not realize that when something is free to them, it might not be free to the person doing it, lol. If you feel inclined, the Premium Level is a way to show your support and help keep things going. Definitely do not feel any pressure one way or the other, though. I welcome all to the learn, share and take the art of knitting to new heights no matter what budget you are on.

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