2 Prize Giveaways for July

Yes, that is plural — there are 2 prizes for July! I am feeling generous (and thankful), as have so many of our KnitHeartStrings members been in their participation, sharing and support. I couldn’t keep KnitHeartStrings going without you!

Comment to this post to let me know which kit you’d like to win. Then get your prize drawing entries in before the end of this month (info here). If you are drawn as a winner, I’ll give priority to your preferred prize.

Prize #1: Kool Aid Dyeing Socks Kit

Kool-Aid Socks Kit

Kool-Aid Socks Kit

Kit includes —

  • 2 dyeing skeins of yarn at 100 yards each for a total of 3 oz/200 yards. Yarn is Henry’s Attic Kona Superwash, 100% Merino wool. There’s enough yarn to knit 2 pair of small child-size socks OR 1 pair adult socks.
  • 8 packages of unsweetened soft drink mix for dyeing in assorted colors.
  • Personally autographed, hard-copy pattern for #T306 Kool-Aid Kidz Socks. Pattern includes complete instructions for dyeing with Kool-Aid. Also instructions for knitting children’s socks in sizes 2 – 8 years. These socks feature the Peasant Heel by Catherine Wingate. This heel style is easy to replace if worn out.
  • Clear drawstring project bag.

Prize #2: Teddy Bear Kit

Teddy Bear Kit Contents

Teddy Bear Kit Contents

Kit includes —

  • Pattern for a Knitted Teddy Bear including technique instructions for
    – double knitting a tubular, 2-sided fabric on straight needles for the legs, body and arms
    – knitting in the round on double point needles (for beginning and ending the head)
    – short row knitting (for shaping the face)
  • 50g/170 yd skein of Lane Borgosesia sport weight yarn 83% wool/10% mohair/7% acrylic yarn. Enough to knit a soft and slightly “furry” teddy bear with the yarn doubled or 2 slightly smaller teddy bears with yarn used singly (along with appropriately sized needles as explained in the pattern).
  • All-natural 100% wool roving for stuffing your bear(s)
  • A baby bear birth certificate that you can fill out for gifting: name of bear, date, your name as knitter (i.e. the doctor who delivered baby, lol), and height/weight
  • Clear drawstring project bag

To Participate in the July Prize Giveaway

Remember to comment to this post to let me know which kit you’d like to win. Then get your entries in (info here). If you are drawn as a winner, I’ll give priority to your preferred prize. I hope one of the winners will be YOU – Good luck!

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30 Responses to 2 Prize Giveaways for July

  1. Susan Cottrell says:

    My youngest grand daughter, Natalie Rose, will be 1 on Aug 19th. She is such a happy little soul, we call her “Lollie.” I would love to make her a little bear.

  2. Betty Grogan says:

    Would love to try the Kool Aid one! I bet it smells great as you work on it! LOL

  3. SoozB says:

    I would be happy with either one. If I have to choose, I think the Knitted Teddy Bear would be a learning experience.

  4. Linda Epstein says:

    Love the Knitted Teddy Bear Kit. Thanks.

  5. Kate ONeill says:

    Hard decision I love them both. Each offering new techniques! But I love teddy hears! So I pick the teddy bear kit!

  6. Cynthia Wilbanks says:

    I would love the Kool Aid Dyeing Socks Kit! I’ve only made one pair of socks in all my knitting career and would love to make another – and to dye them myself would be awesome!!!!

  7. Kimberly W says:

    I have never tried dyeing my own wool and think it would be a great project for me and my 13 year old daughter. She could pick the colors and I’ll knit her up some socks in her own design. Now THAT’S mother/daughter bonding!

  8. Ted says:

    I love HeartStrings! Your projects are amazing. I really like the knitted teddybear kit. Thank you for all of your amazing work.

  9. caren says:

    I would love to learn how to dye with kool aid and my grandson would love the socks….perhaps he could help my do the dying…..count me in…thanks for all the patterns and such…Caren from Denver

  10. Georgia May says:

    I really like Heartstrings… I’d love to win the knitted teddy bear kit.

  11. Carolyn says:

    Thank you for being so generous this month. Your teddy bear kit is so adorable; they are just waiting to be hugged. They are also waiting for me to learn to knit in the round on double pointed needles. With your beautiful kit/instructions, I feel sure I’m up to the task:)
    Again, thank you.

  12. Terri L says:

    I would absolutely love the Teddy Bear kit for my soon to be new grandchild! Baby’s due in early December and if I learn the new techniques well, maybe I can get the materials to make another one for big brother! He’ll be 18 months when the new one is born 🙂

  13. Marcia says:

    I would love to win the sock dying kit. I don’t have any little ones to knit the teddy bear for, but I have lots of people asking me for socks and to be able to dye them specifically for the recipient would be fantastic.

  14. Patty Sack says:

    Both are great prizes but my first choice would be the Teddy Bear kit. Nice to try something different. Thank you!

  15. joanne says:

    The koolaid sock kit. It’s been on my things to play with list.

  16. Shirley Ryan says:

    I would love to win the Kool-Aide prize….I have been “dyeing” to try it, but just never got around to it. Thanks for the contest!

  17. Shirley Ryan says:

    I would love to win the Kool-aide prize. I have been “dyeing” haha…..to try dying but never quite got around to it. This look like fun with!

  18. Barbara says:

    I’d love to learn how to dye yarn. And dyeing sock yarn makes it more fun since I’ll be able to see the results quickly since socks knit up quickly. Well, at least they appear to knit up quickly.

  19. Marianne Gabrielle Ludwig-Martin says:

    OHhhhhh….the Teddy Bear Kit!!! It’s lovely!!!! What a cute idea!!!!

  20. Carolyn says:

    I’ve been thinking about trying to knit a teddy bear and this one is just adorable. Knitting in the round isn’t a skill I’ve acquired yet, but I bet I could learn for a bear this cute:)

  21. Donna says:

    I haver never done Kool-Aid dying. This would be a great project to share with my grandson! We could dye the yarn together, then I could use it to teach him to knit!

  22. Sharon says:

    I like the Kool Aid socks! I tried dyeing with KoolAid omce before, but I did something wrong and it didn’t take. Maybe this kit would teach me how to do it right.

  23. Ubedrmadchen says:

    I love the thought of dyeing my own socks. The sock dyeing kit is for me!

  24. Elizabeth says:

    Both prizes are fun, but I’d really like to “deliver” a beautiful bouncing Teddy Bear (haha).

  25. Debra says:

    I would like to win the sock package, please. 🙂

  26. Julieanna says:

    That Teddy Bear pattern is CUTE. That’s the one I’d like to win!

  27. Mindy says:

    Truth be told here! I want the sock kit. I have never dyed yarn before and would love to give it a try and I have several granddaughters who keep bugging me about knitting them each a pair of socks and to have a sleepover sock party. So I am in for the socks!

  28. SuBethJimBob says:

    I think the Teddy Bears are adorable, so that’s the prize I’d like, please.

  29. Ellen C says:

    Both prizes are amazing! I am really intrigued by the multiple techniques learned in the Knitted Teddy Bear so if forced to choose – the Teddy Bear is it! And thank YOU for all your sharing and support. Without your website and your willingness to share your knowledge, I wouldn’t be knitting such pretty things. Your instructions make it fun to try new techniques.

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