Beaded Crescent Neck Lace KAL (October)

October’s project in the BOBBOL 2013 Series

BOBBOL 2013 is the nickname for Bits of Beads/Bits of Lace, and expands the popular Bits of Lace 2012 Series with additional types of small lace projects and the addition of projects for building skills in beading.

October’s KAL was Beaded Crescent Neck Lace: lace for your neck. Adorn your neckline with a crescent of color and beads.

Choose a neck-caressing yarn in pretty colors to sing accompaniment to the sparkle of beads in the elegant beaded loops lace edging.

Wear it simply beautiful all by itself as a little neck scarf, or add a clasp and wear as a necklace – your choice. The weight of the beads adds just enough body to the fabric to stay in place.

Beaded Crescent Neck Lace in Crystal Palace Yarns Panda Silk

Beaded Crescent Neck Lace

Note: Sample shown here was knit in Crystal Palace’s Panda Silk yarn in color #127 Very Berry and Miyuki beads color #451 Hematite.

If you missed the knit-along for Beaded Crescent Neck Lace, you can purchase the pattern now and still take advantage of the free support articles for making this project.

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Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!

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22 Responses to Beaded Crescent Neck Lace KAL (October)

  1. Pingback: Monthly KAL Photo Challenge | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  2. Pingback: Vote Your Favorites in the KAL Photo Challenge | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  3. Pingback: Neck Lace: Finishing and Ideas for Wearing | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  4. Pingback: Beading the Bind Off Row | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  5. Jean says:

    I am enjoying making the crescent neck lace. How do you connect as a necklace on your neck,or does just lay on your neck by itself?
    Thanks for the pattern

  6. Sharon Ratliff says:

    This pattern is very nice…but I’m thanking you for your past instructions. My mind went blank and could not do beginning yo. I was just staring at the page and went to look at the comments to find some help and guess what…it’s all there. Jackie has links to anything you need, Thank You.

  7. Pingback: Keeping It Simple Short Rows | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  8. Pingback: Using the Beaded Loops Edging as a basis for casting on | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  9. Pingback: Photo Tutorial: How to Knit the Beaded Loops Edging | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  10. Ellisen says:

    Wow! Gorgeous beaded neck lace. Thanks so much for the pattern. Have the yarn, now to find beads. Thanks, Jackie.

  11. sara says:

    Thanks for the cool psttern

  12. Carolyn says:

    What cast on do you recommend for the beaded loops edging? I see that you expect to have stitches on the left hand needle, so it must be one where you knit on stitches, but I’m not sure which cast one would work best.


    • jackiees says:

      You’re only casting on 2 stitches to begin. You can use whatever cast on you want. (I probably used long tail because that is my defacto unless there is a specific need to do something else).

      If you happen to cast on stitches to a needle held in your right-hand (like I do), then put that needle with the 2 stitches on it into your left-hand and ready to knit (i.e. just like you would do with any other knitting that you cast on stitches and then begin to work in rows).

  13. Roxanne says:

    Wow, can’t wait to get started on this. I have so many ideas on what to do with this. Love it.

  14. Pingback: Beaded Crescent Neck Lace KAL | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  15. Marie Stanley says:

    Perfect ! Thank you so much ! This is just what i was looking for for Christmas gifts.

  16. Marlene says:

    Each month you give us something unique, something that perhaps we haven’t yet tried, and always the instructions are clear and well presented. Thank you, Jackie, for your devotion to originality and to us, your fans!

  17. RobynMay says:

    So beautiful. Thank you Jackie for sharing your knowledge and love of craft with us.

  18. Jessica-Jean says:

    Umm … Maybe I need to take a nap, but to my eyes, some of the ROW numbers in the Beaded Loops Edging should perhaps be STEP numbers?

    I’m guessing that to make it fit a bigger neck (or hang further from the throat) one would just add to the cast-on by even numbers.

    • jackiees says:

      Yes, maybe you should re-look at it later when you are rested. It’s best to try this with needles and yarn in hand, rather than trying to work it out in your head. When I start getting into the bit-sized tutorials to step through the process, it might also become clearer to you that row numbers.

      As to adjusting for other sizes, I will cover that later in the month. If you insist on trying that right away, I will tell you that the magic number is adjustments in multiples of 8 stitches and 12 beads.

      But I really do encourage you to try the pattern as is to begin with, especially since it already sounds like you might get even more confused in trying to make adjustments while you still do not know how to do the rows. OK?

  19. Juliette says:

    Jackie how do you do it month after month!!!? Another absolutely fabulous pattern. Not only am I excited to cast on one for myself (with that too big/too small leftover of really Gorgeous yarn) but this will be a terrific little gift for some of my many aunts who will adore it! Thank you for a wonderful pattern, and making my Christmas present list that much easier.


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