Beaded Mosaic Knitting (Nov/Dec)

Make a snazzy hat in two colors of DK weight yarn of your choice and size 6/0 seed beads 

Do you love beads and glitz? Then this one is for you. November’s Beyond BOBBOL Learn-and-Knit-A-Long focuses on slip-stitch color techniques and beads. The project is Beaded Basket Weave Mosaic Hat.

Beaded Basket Weave Mosaic Hats

Beaded Basket Weave Mosaic Hats

Although the colorwork might appear involved, the slip-stitch color knitting is simple because you only need to handle one yarn color at a time. The beads give an added depth of color and look of complexity to an otherwise simple beaded knitting technique.

Techniques used and described

Beaded Basket Weave Mosaic Hat - front view

Beaded Basket Weave Mosaic Hat – front view

  • 2-color slip stitch mosaic knitting
  • Beaded knitting (beads are strung onto yarn before knitting)

Note: Using beads is optional if you’d prefer to omit them.

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Other Tutorials and Tips to complement the November KAL

Check out the Previous KALs page for tutorials and tips on beading. These tutorials and tips are free to all members.

Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!

p.s. If you are a new member and have not yet confirmed your newsletter invitation, be sure to do that so you do not get disconnected/removed from the system and can no longer access this site for members-only content. More info at The Key to Keeping Your Membership Active.

4 Responses to Beaded Mosaic Knitting (Nov/Dec)

  1. Johna Wrzosek says:

    I am new and on trial membeship. How can I download the patterns for free?

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Johna, Welcome to the group. On your introductory trial membership you get one free pattern and access to all member-only content on the site for 20 days so you can check things out. We will just be getting started in the next few days for the Snowflake pattern and you will be able to download it then. The pattern info will be posted on the Knitted Snowflakes KAL page, so watch for updates there.

  2. Pingback: Unbeaded Variation of Mosaic Knitting | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  3. Pingback: Beaded Mosaic Knitting KAL Open Now | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

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