Bits of Lace Oak Leaf (October)

A featured pattern in the Bits of Lace 2012 Project Series

Believe it or not, this little oak leaf is a bit of lace edging.

The design features an interesting lace edging construction built around an I-cord stem.

There is no sewing involved; finishing merely involves weaving in the tails from the cast on and bind off, then a light finger blocking.

We can think of all kinds of uses for this little leaf motif – fall holiday decorations, appliquéd to sweaters, shawls and hats, coasters, and more. Let the fun begin!

[wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_image link=”” description=”Bits of Lace Oak Leaves”  source=”” title=”Knitting Bits of Lace Series”]

You can knit a pile of leaves in hardly anytime. Each takes just a bit of yarn. And the knitting goes fast once you get familiar with the pattern.

If you missed the knit-along for Bits of Lace Oak Leaf, you can purchase the pattern now and still take advantage of free support articles for making this project.

[wp_eStore_fancy10 id=5]

Knit along, learn along, and enjoy the making!

p.s. If you are a new member and have not yet confirmed your newsletter invitation, be sure to do that so you do not get disconnected/removed from the system and can no longer access this site for members-only content. More info at The Key to Keeping Your Free Membership Active.

46 Responses to Bits of Lace Oak Leaf (October)

  1. linda says:

    Thank you sooooo much for sharing your patterns and tips. I have learned so much
    since you started this site for all of us. I love the leaf, made the leaf out of cotton and it has made the best coaster ever. Thinking about knitting some of these up for little
    Christmas gifts. Thanks again and God Bless.

  2. Pingback: Uses for Little Lacy Leaf Medallions | Knit HeartStrings

  3. Karen Gass says:

    These are so pretty – thank you very much 🙂

  4. Stacy says:

    Thank you for this cute pattern. I love leaves and this will test my knitting skills!

  5. Bobbe says:

    thank you for the darling leave patterns.

    Happy Fall…

  6. Marie K says:

    I’m still unable to download. Please help!!

  7. Deb says:

    This is not solely for Jackie, but for all how read these emails.

    Jackie, I first started blogging somewhere in the early 2000 period. I could not find a good resource for blogging. Whether it was setting it up, a lack computer knowledge, or a combination of things, it never seemed to click for me. Then finally when I figured it out (somewhat), I found that the time spent on the computer stole precious time from knitting.

    Then I remembered you with this oak leave from that earlier period of blogging and knitting. I started to think of all the time you have invested in in us with your fantastic output of beautiful patterns. Now you have a wonderful monthly free pattern with tips on a chat time that has generated a lot of help for all of us. Kudos to all your hard work and especially for this wonderful time for chat and tips. Your work and effort will surely help knitters from all over the world. What an impact!

    Bless you for your generosity, time, and commitment to knitting. With fondness from many, many knitters who in return give us all more and more, and — myself.

  8. Tandy says:

    I made this a couple of years ago (yes, I had already purchased). Turned out great! I’m still amazed by your (Jackie’s) creativity in turning a lace edge into a leaf and stem!!

  9. Carol Dunn says:

    I just read how others were having trouble downloading the leaf pattern,I just downloaded it with no problem. Thank you for all you do in designing these patterns.
    I started in Feb. printing your lace patterns and technique pages, recently I have been busy, now I need to get the pages I’ve missed and try making the lace patterns. Carol

  10. handmadebysue says:

    I had no problem downloading the Bits of Lace Oak Leaf pattern. I love the leaves – am thinking of making a number of them and connecting them as a table runner for Thanksgiving. Thank you!

  11. KathleenC says:

    This is perfect for a project I’ve had percolating in the back of my mind for some time now… I want to make a scarf out of interconnected leaf and flower shapes. I was thinking of starting with pale colors and Spring green, going through bright Summer greens and colors then ending with some Fall tones… and maybe some icord twigs for Winter?

  12. jackiees says:

    Thanks so much to those who have written in here to help those who are having trouble using their computer to download patterns.

    In order for me to continue to offer monthly free pattern, I need to concentrate my efforts on knitting designs and instructional articles that are in support of our membership group’s objectives: Learning, sharing and taking the art of knitting to new heights.

    I will continue to do my best with offering this membership site for your benefit and enjoyment. Please help me keep on track by helping yourself as much as possible when it comes to computer problems or user issues that are outside of my control. Remember that there also are HELP topics for using the site that you can refer to first if you are having trouble.

  13. momtat92 says:

    OK, I clicked on the Download button and it saved directly to my hard drive. The page still shows a price for the pattern, but it downloaded just fine when I clicked on the link.

    I would suggest that if you are still having issues, log in, updated your profile and then try to download it. That’s what I did and it worked.

    It just prompted me on where to save the file.

    • jackiees says:

      Even during the Free Download Offer Period, the pattern offered for free to KnitHeartStrings members will show the price that the pattern is usually sold for.

      Thus, the price of the pattern is always displayed, whether you are logged in or not.

      Using the “Download” button does not go through the Paypal checkout process though.

      There are screen shots and lengthier explanation that I had posted previously: Free Download Offer Period for Members. Also, there is an Help Topic under the HELP menu for “Downloading Free Pattern Offer” with the screen shots.

  14. momtat92 says:

    Hi Jackie! I too am still seeing the payment button through pay pal, even though I have logged in. I use Google Chrome as my web browser and haven’t had any problems before

  15. Kimberly says:


    I log in to the group and go to the October pattern, but it still has a price to download. I also checked to make sure I was logged in and I am, but it still wants me to pay for the pattern. Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the beautiful patterns you have made available to all of us.


  16. Beverly says:

    If you are using IE8, go to tools on your browser, click internet options, click security, click custom, scroll to download section, under automatic prompting for downloads, click enable. Should allow you to download.

    • DorisT says:

      I haven’t been able to download the pattern either and don’t see a DOWNLOAD button. Have never had this problem with any of the other patterns. IMHO, I think your Webmater “goofed” on this one.

      • jackiees says:

        Did you mistype and meant Webmaster? That is funny that you think I am a big business that can afford a Webmaster, lol. I am just a person like you. 🙂

        It sounds like you might be getting off course in accessing the site. This might help you get going again so that you can download the pattern like 100’s of members have already done (thus, I do know that the website works). You will need to be logged in with the member Username and password you set up to see the Download button. See Logging In under the HELP menu. To see what the Download button looks like after you are logged in, see Downloading Free Pattern Offer under the HELP menu.

        So give it a try again and you should be good to go.

        • DorisT says:

          Yes, Jackie, I did mean Webmaster. I logged in, just as I did before, but this time I finally had a page pop up that said Download instead of Buy Now. When I clicked on Download, poof, everything disappeared and the next page to appear said Buy Now again. Think I’ll give up and hope that the next pattern will be easier to access.

  17. Sharonknits says:

    This file still will not download, security issues. Could you just post the pattern so we can copy/print it?

  18. Jinky says:

    Hi Jackie,

    it’s me again, it’s now okay.. 🙂 Thanks!

  19. Jinky says:

    Hi Jackie,

    I too can’t d/l the pattern, I’ve tried chrome, FF, and IE, all them is not working for this particular pattern..
    Would it be okay if you can send us the file instead?
    Thank you so much!

  20. Lauren says:

    I had no problem downloading this beautiful little leaf!! I can’t wait to make some for little pins for fall.
    Thanks so much for this pattern, Jackie!!

  21. jackiees says:

    A few people are having trouble downloading. It is unclear about specifics because computers and web browsers are all set up differently. The common thread seems to be that something has changed recently in IE where their security is blocking the download from completing. I am not a Systems Administrator, so do not know all the different details and possibilities that computers could have. Perhaps you have a computer expert you can ask for help.

    Another possibility is to use a different web browser so that you can download completely. For example, Google Chrome or Firefox. If you don’t have one of these others, they are available for free download. Just do a google search for the download file that matches your operating system.

    • isitsandsews says:

      Would you be willing to send out individual pdf pattern direct to member’s email addresses please???

    • Faye Saxton says:

      Hi, I downloaded Firefox free program and I got the pattern download no problems…you can either keep, delete and download Firefox again at a later date if you choose. Wont mess with your computer of computer settings…well, it didn’t with mine anyway. Thanks for the pattern…again, it’s a beautiful design. I’m still learning atm so small projects a blessing…

  22. Jill says:

    I am unable to download the leaf pattern. I am logged in, but when I click on the download button, nothing happens. Please help.

    • jackiees says:

      Depending on how your computer or web browser set up, the pdf file might have been saved directly to your desktop or default download folder on your hard drive. OR the file might have opened in another browser window or tab that is in back of what you are looking at now. You could check these possibilities. Other than that, I have no idea. Sorry – I am not a Systems Administrator, so do not know all the different details and possibilities that computers could have. Perhaps you know someone who can help?

  23. Laura (Prezlaura) says:

    I am not able to download the patterns. I hit the download button but it does not work, it keeps redirecting me back to the main page.?!?!?!?! HELP PLEASE!!!! I love your pattern and want them in my Library (:

  24. isitsandsews says:

    I am unable to down load free pattern although I am logged on…not happy!

  25. Sarah Flemming says:

    So pretty, and I hope I get time to sit and make some.

  26. Carol says:

    I can’t download the pattern even though I am logged in. I turned off the Pop-up blocker but I keep getting this page with no instructions.

  27. Patty T says:

    What a beautiful autumnal project! Makes me remember my family home in New England — crisp cool days filled with blue skies and colorful leaves on the trees!

    Thank you again, Jackie!

    • jackiees says:

      Your “word picture” perfectly describes the feeling I have when thinking of autumn and the glorious colors of the leaves.

  28. knitsnit says:

    Thank you for the leaf pattern. A small leafy challenge is just what i needed.

  29. Kathy says:

    could you please tell me how you manage to come up with such cute and desirable patterns constantly? you amaze me!!! and if you would – please continue to amaze me for a loonngg time!!

  30. Marie Shanley says:

    Oops… never mind. I must have gone to the wrong place somehow… now I see the Download button. Thanks for this cool pattern – I can’t wait to try it.

  31. Sheilah Reidburn says:

    Thanks so much, Jackie! I am going to have so much fun making these for friends! I have a couple of leaf bookmarks that were given to me years ago and I know one of them is from one of your patterns. Love them!

  32. Susan (sjanova) says:

    This is wonderful. I love the leaves. I will have to skip what I’ve got next in line and do this next!

  33. Lynne Schuster says:

    The pattern is beautiful! Thank you.
    I think there may be something wrong with the download. I logged in and the site says I did, but I only see the option to buy the pattern.

    • jackiees says:

      The price of the pattern is always displayed, whether you are logged in or not. As explained on the pattern page, during the free download offer period logged in members will see a Download button (rather than a Buy Now button). With the Download button, there is no charge. Are you seeing the Download button now?

      Even if you were to not be logged in and mistakenly hit a Buy Now button, you would need to go through the extra steps of checking out with Paypal before you would be charged. So it would be pretty obvious if you meant to get the free version, that you would back out of that before completing the Paypal transaction. Instead, just back out of that and then login to get the free version. Does this help in explaining?

      • Marie Shanley says:

        I’m having the same problem Lynne described. I am logged in, and all I see is the “add to cart” button. No Download, and no “buy now”. If I add to cart, it wants me to checkout with Paypal.

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