A featured pattern in the year-long Bits of Lace 2012 Project Series
A Bit of Lace Dolly Shawl is a small top-down Faroese-style shawl with an attached edging as a bind off. The size is suitable for 18” dolls and teddy bears, making it a delightful gift for a lucky doll or teddy bear lover!
This doll-sized shawl is a great way to have fun learning on a small shawl before putting the time into a larger shawl. You’ll learn
- the basics of shaping a top-down Faroese-style shawl
- the attach-as-you-knit method for knitting a lace edging as a bind off
If you missed the knit-along for A Bit of Lace Dolly Shawl, you can purchase the pattern now and still take advantage of the free support articles for making this project.
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Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!
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I like a lot of others had trouble downloading the shawl pattern , so I got the coupon on offer and did it no trouble with free download from ravelry. Its a lovely little pattern and just the right time of the year to get it so thankyou very much Jackiees.
I don`t know why I had a problem it`s just Internet Explorer refuses to download this pdf for some reason.
Thank you again for a lovely little pattern. My sisters both collect dolls and this will be a nice little item to send each of them.
Thank you for your kindness. I have Grand Daughters who have teddies and dollies and they will love this !
I have tried to download the pattern at least 8 times over the past week and my computer is not allowing me to for some reason, is there anyway you could email me the PDF?
There is an option to download via Ravelry now. Check the updated info on the pattern page here. I’m also going to be posting about this additional service later today here at the member site, but wanted to get the word out to you right away.
P.S – Neither my browser nor the “Remember Me” button in the login box here retains my password. So each time I try to log in, I have to go to my offline file and find the computer-generated password. I just do not have this many problems on other similar sites.
Lili, When you first registered, you would have set up your own password. The computer-generated password is only intended for temporary use in case you forgot your password. After you login into the site with the temporary computer-generated password, go to the Member Services area to Update Profile, and you can set your password to any easy-to-remember password you want. Please email me if you need further help.
I’m glad 600 people have been able to get this month’s pattern. I am not one of them.
I have followed all the help and tips (some of which *I* submitted!). Nothing works. Last month’s solutions do not solve this month’s problem.
I have not changed anything in my computer configuration since last month. So what version (of any software) changes have there been on the site, Jackie? Each month here is a new frustrating wrestling match, obviously for many people. I used to work in IT as sysadmin, instructor, and tester–and I can’t figure out what the problem is! I’m sure you have a tiny Internet budget, but I do think you have plenty of evidence that this blog has a big functionality problem. Which is too bad, because your patterns are quite pretty and well written.
Yes, it is too bad that you are frustrated. I am sorry about that. Actually, I do not have an internet budget for this free site. I am just a person, not a big company! LOL
But I have put a LOT of time into looking at the server logs, etc. I continue to investigate this because I DO care. For example, in your case it appears that the link request is successfully resolved and sent off to you from my server, but the acknowledgement is never sent back.
Are you behind a firewall (e.g. at work?). Have you tried a different computer/location?
I have substituted a lower resolution PDF file for the free pattern download. I hope this smaller file will help those who are having trouble with IE not allowing their download to complete successfully.
Thank you for such a lovely pattern. I’ve been wanting to make a Faroese style shawl and this is a wonderful introduction.
For those having trouble downloading the pattern, be sure to scroll down past the picture of the bear and shawl to the download link. Click that, and not the link to the right of the picture. I almost clicked that link myself .
If that doesn’t work, here are a few troubleshoots that have solved a few problems for me. Quit the browser you’re using (Safari, Windows, Foxfire, etc.) and then start it up again (or you can re-boot/re-start your computer at this time). Try logging in again and downloading the pattern. If no luck, try using another browser. For reasons beyond my understanding, different browsers work better with particular sites.
Hope this is helpful to someone.
Thank you so much Barbara for pitching in here with your suggestions. It is frustrating to me as well when computers seem to have a mind of their own. So, I really appreciate people like you and so many of the other majority who are a friendly bright light in the day.
“Windows” is not a browser. It is an operating system. The blasted browser is IE (Internet Explorer). We need to be as precise as possible to deter confusion.
Yes, IE is the main “blasted browser” that most people run under Windows. So I don’t think there was any confusion, lol.
I cannot download the pattern. I have clicked everyplace and just keep going round and round. Please HELP!!
The Download button is just beneath the large picture of the teddy bear on this page. If you see a Buy Now button instead of Download button, login with your username and password first. Remember that the free Download for members will be available only for Dec 2012.
Oh this is just so cute! Thank you so much for all the ways that you are helping us to improve our knitting. I am going to make one of these for my very own Teddy bear whose only clothing is a sweater and a fabric scarf. I just might make it before Christmas; if not, then definitely in the winter. Thanks again!
Thank you so much for the sweet shawl..It will be a grand addition to great grand daughters teddy bear wardrobe…
Hi-I see others can not download this pattern-i have tried all i know with no luck.
Helen, I am sorry you are having trouble downloading. I just do not know why you and a couple of other people are having trouble, and can only repeat to check the Help section for troubleshooting tips. There have been almost 600 people who have successfully downloaded since only this morning, so I am not sure why you might not be having luck. So try again with the troubleshooting tips that I hope will help you. Or if you are still stuck, perhaps someone close to you can help with your computer setup.
cant download this pattern either!
Hi Annie, Welcome to the group. I know you haven’t had a chance to look around the site yet since you just now signed up. If you are having trouble downloading, there are troubleshooting tips in the HELP section. Here is a direct link:
Thank you so much for this sweet pattern! It will make a great Christmas gift for a certain someone!
Blessings to you Jackie!
Thank you for the wonderful little shawl pattern. Lots of bears and dollies will be beautiful this holiday season!
Best wishes to you all for warm and happy times to end the year!
hello there , for some reason i cant download the pattern ,thanks ;0)
There are troubleshooting tips in the HELP section. Here is a direct link:
How perfect for December, I have 2 little granddaughters who’s dollies need a shawl for Christmas. Thank you.
What a lovely project to end the year of lace!
Thanks for all the lace making inspiration in 2012!
Happiest of Holidays to you and yours!
So cute, now I may have the courage to start a full size one. I’ve had a couple of your kits aging in my stash for awhile now. I’d love to finish the shawls and wear or gift them.
Oh this is adorable, I am making my Mom a bear for Christmas, this will be perfect to add to her! Now to find time to make it IF I can get the bear done in time, LOL. Thank you so much, Love, Love LOVE your blog and all that you have taught me to help me improve my craft!