Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl (June KAL)

June’s project in the BOBBOL 2013 Series

BOBBOL 2013 is the nickname for Bits of Beads/Bits of Lace, and expands the popular Bits of Lace 2012 Series with additional types of small lace projects and the addition of projects for building skills in beading.

For June, we knitted Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl. This project is a great way to have fun learning on a small shawl before putting the time into a larger shawl. While knitting this dolly shawl, you’ll learn the basics of shaping a top-down triangular shawl with a knit-as-you-go lace edging bindoff.

Beads are placed while knitting using the crochet hook method (or you can just omit the beads if you want to).

The size is suitable for 18″ – 20″ dolls and teddy bears, making it a delightful gift for a lucky doll or teddy bear lover!

Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl

Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl

If you missed the knit-along for Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl, you can purchase the pattern now while still taking advantage of the free support articles in the June 2013 archives at KnitHeartStrings.

[wp_eStore_fancy10 id=51]

Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!

p.s. If you are a new member and have not yet confirmed your newsletter invitation, be sure to do that so you do not get disconnected/removed from the system and can no longer access this site for members-only content. More info at The Key to Keeping Your Free Membership Active.

22 Responses to Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl (June KAL)

  1. Pingback: March Giveaway at KnitHeartStrings | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  2. Pingback: Structural Beaded Knitting | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  3. Pingback: Sizing Up Dolly's Top-Down Tri Shawl | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  4. jackiees says:

    So glad you are looking forward to the Extra bonus. 🙂

    I will eventually get to this today. You wouldn’t believe how many things are on my to-do list, lol. Thanks for your patience.

    When it is posted (should be later this evening, but if not look for it tomorrow morning in case it doesn’t upload by then per your time zone), it will be the topmost article on the homepage of the site.

    Hint: the adult-size (or any size) shawl starts with the same shawl instructions as a doll-size “Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl”.

  5. knitsnit says:

    I wish for the June pattern. I cliked on the renew membership. Please enroll me as a member to your site so I can get this pattern. I am a cancer patient and don’t get online all the time. Don’t want to miss anything. Please do not post for everyone to see.

  6. Martha Dolbeer says:

    How adorable! I plan to make it in an adult size. Can’t wait to start it.
    Thank you, Jackie.

  7. Pingback: Approaching the Finish Line of June's Top-Down Tri Shawl KAL & Getting Ready for July KAL | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  8. Pingback: Enter June's Prize Giveaway | Knit HeartStrings

  9. Pingback: Setting Up the Center Back Neckline of the Top-Down Triangle Shawl | Knit HeartStrings

  10. Pingback: Roadmap for a Top-Down Triangle Shawl | Knit HeartStrings

  11. Carol A. Shaver says:

    I tried an adult-sized triangular shawl that looks similar to this. No matter what I tried I couldn’t get one side to mirror the other. sigh. I gave up.
    I’m going to try this as soon as I get a couple of other projects finished.
    Thank you for posting this! 🙂

    • jackiees says:

      You are welcome. 🙂
      There is no need to mirror this pattern, so maybe you will have better luck here.
      Hurry and get those other projects finished so you can get started on your dolly shawl!

  12. Susan aka sjanova says:

    Terrific! My great niece loved the other doll shawl so I definitely need to knit this for her also. She’s a little young yet so maybe without beads. Love knitting lace.

  13. ZoeOB says:

    Thank you, Jackie, for making this available to us. It’s adorable and a wonderful way to “swatch” for a larger piece.

  14. Darling pattern! Thanks so much.

  15. Jan Walsh says:

    Thanks for a darling pattern! The Tri-Shawl is just too cute!! Thanks so much!

  16. LeaMV says:

    Is it possible to size this up to fit an adult?

  17. Pingback: Who can resist? | Knit HeartStrings

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