Nov 2013 KAL Photo Challenge (closed)

Thanks to all who submitted a photo of the fabulous project they made for October’s Beaded Crescent Neck Lace KAL. Voting is now closed & the winner is … Ellen C! See the winning entry below.


Show off the fabulous project you made (or are in the process of making) for November’s Easy Elegance Mitts KAL.


Your photo(s) for Easy Elegance Mitts can be submitted anytime through end of day CST Dec 9, 2013. Photos larger than 250 px will automatically be rescaled, with an option for you to crop the area you want if the original photo is not square. You can submit as many photos of your Easy Elegance Mitts as you want. If you make more than one pair of Mitts, you can also submit photos of those. Thanks for participating and sharing photos of what you make!


There will be a just-for-fun Viewer’s Choice contest after the submission period closes. There’s no criteria for this. Anything that viewers like can be voted — funny photos, glam shots, whatever! Voting takes place Dec 10 – 15, 2013. Any KnitHeartStrings member can vote. Each member can vote for their top 3 favorites.

And the winner is …

Winner will be selected for the photo with most votes. In case of a tie, a random selection will be made from the photos with most votes. And yes, there is a prize! Winner receives choice of pattern from the KnitHeartStrings Online Store.

Submit Here

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6 Responses to Nov 2013 KAL Photo Challenge (closed)

  1. cindy says:

    Trying to vote for Glenda #7 on the beaded crescent necklace. I’ve seen it in person, and its beautiful.

  2. Christiane says:

    It is hard to choose only 1 or 2 or 3. I like them all. Since I just found this KAL (computer died and it was a while before I got a new one), I am going to make one or 2 for christmas. Very beautiful Congratulations to all.

  3. Judy M says:

    All the necklaces are so lovely I can’t choose one over another

  4. Ellen says:

    Love this idea! Are we limited to how many pictures of a project we can post?

    • jackiees says:

      I wasn’t going to impose a limit. But I was thinking that you’d put up what you considered to be your best-best for each separate project you made. Since you can include a link to the thumbnail photo you upload, people could click back to that page where you might have more photos of that project and your project notes (e.g. your Ravelry project notebook page, or a post on your blog). Then if you knit another of that project (e.g. a different yarn than you used the first time), you could enter the best-best for that project (with its own link). Does this sound reasonable? This is the first month we are doing this, so I am still open to suggestions.

  5. Pingback: Monthly KAL Photo Challenge | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

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