Lace Doily Beret KAL

December’s project in the BOBBOL 2013 Series

Fashionable without flattening your hairdo — December’s KAL was Lace Doily Beret.

This beret is constructed in the style of a lace doily with a center start and repeating medallions. The beret is flattering and lightweight for fashionable wear without flattening your hairdo.

Lace Doily Beret

Lace Doily Beret

Featured Techniques

  • easy center start
  • double yarn over honeycomb lace ground stitch
  • 3-to-2 decrease
  • graduated needle sizing
  • blocking in 3 dimensions over a plate

Although the pattern doesn’t specifically call for beads, I’ll show an example where the crochet hook method makes it easy to play with your own design in more than one color of bead.

Lace Doily Berets

If you missed the knit-along for Lace Doily Beret, tutorials, tips and techniques are still available in the December 2013 KnitHeartStrings archives. Please purchase the pattern here —

[wp_eStore_fancy10 id=89]

Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!

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7 Responses to Lace Doily Beret KAL

  1. Pingback: Making It Around the Lace Doily Beret Rounds | Knit HeartStrings Monthly Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  2. Janna says:

    Thank you so much Jackie for sharing this so very feminine beret. I love it. I may not get to make one before the holidays but will definitely be my project this coming year. Happy Holidays!

  3. Pingback: Starting the Lace Doily Beret | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  4. Pingback: Thoughts on Beading the Lace Doily Beret | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  5. Barbara says:

    This is beautiful and very feminine. Its my next project and with beads. Thank you

  6. shari carlson says:

    I am so impressed! This is so lovely and I am excited to make one for my best friend, (and maybe one for mee, too)!

  7. Pingback: December KAL for Lace Doily Beret | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

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