Get Ready for Spring Lace Leaves Scarf KAL (March)

Building on Basics: Even the simplest lace knitting looks impressive and invites awe

Narrow Lace Leaves ScarfSpringtime means renewal and growth. And so I felt it appropriate to feature a spring-themed Narrow Lace Leaves Scarf as our March KAL. Depending on where you are in your lace knitting journey, I challenge you to

– learn something new

– reinforce and grow confident in your skills

– simply be inspired and enjoy the ride.

Spring Lace Leaves Scarf pattern is the special edition version of Narrow Lace Leaves Scarf being offered for Beyond BOBBOL 2014.

March’s project is an example of the approach I often use for end-to-end, one-piece  scarves with a central lace pattern surrounded by a knit-as-you-go lace border. Since there are no seams to sew or graft, or even picked-up stitches to work separate sections, the lace just flows off the needles. Except for a final blocking, it is a “when you are done, you are done” project. And at the finale, there is always a magic moment when the lace is blocked out to show all of its airy beauty.

Although the pattern does not call for adding beads, feel free to do so if you want to using any of the methods we’ve gone over in previous KAL’s.

Featured Techniques

  • Combining knitted lace and lace knitting
  • Knit-as-you-go lace border
  • Bias effects in lace patterning

Bonus Extras

  • Beading chart for outlining the lace leaf motif
  • Converting an end-to-end scarf into a matching ends version of 2 identical halves joined with “pull over” bind off

Missed the March KAL? You can purchase the pattern now and still take advantage of free tutorials, tips & techniques articles in the March 2014 archives at KnitHeartStrings.

[wp_eStore_fancy10 id=122]

Not A Member Yet?

Not a KnitHeartStrings knit-along member yet? To take full advantage of all the support articles in the KAL for this pattern and future patterns, you can register here for free to try out KnitHeartStrings for 30-days (includes getting your first KAL pattern for free).

During or after your 30day trial, you can then decide whether you want to upgrade to the Basic or Premium membership levels, or stay at the no-fee level with Limited Content privileges.

Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!

41 Responses to Get Ready for Spring Lace Leaves Scarf KAL (March)

  1. Pingback: Completing the Framed Lace | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  2. Linda Van Der Werf says:

    Can you please tell me what is meant in RS rows 3-19: by the “work next row of Lace Leaf stitch pattern k2”

    Am I supposed to k2 stitches in the row below or ?

    Thanks for your help,


    • jackiees says:

      Sorry you were confused. That is a typo and has been corrected since. Please insert a comma between pattern and k2. i.e. “work next row of Lace Leaf stitch pattern, k2″

  3. Nancy Maushak says:

    I must be doing something wrong as I am not finding the download for this pattern. ALl I see is the add to cart? I logged out and logged in again and still am not seeing the download. Can you help?

    • jackiees says:

      Nancy – You aren’t doing anything wrong. For your membership level which if the Limited Content plan, Yes, you add the paid pattern to your cart. Then you type the discount coupon code into the “Enter Coupon Code” text box of the “Items in Cart” area (in the upper right sidebar of the screen).

      Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

  4. Pingback: Bias Effects in Lace Patterning | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  5. Pingback: Combining Knitted Lace and Lace Knitting | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  6. Stephanie says:

    Jackie, is there a way to make this pretty scarf pattern into an infinity scarf? I find that infinity scarves work for me much better than regular scarves at work where I actually get to wear them.

    • jackiees says:

      Sure, it’s fine to use the pattern as a jumping off point for your own creative expression. For example, you could work the 31-stitch rows of only the Main Area portion of the pattern instructions for whatever number of 20-row repeats you wanted (or have enough yarn), then join into a loop.

      • Stephanie says:

        That’s kind of what I was thinking. Maybe use a provisional cast on and do the knitting then graft the two ends together? My BFF gifted me some crushed pearl yarn for Christmas (I taught her to knit last year and of course have introduced you to your site, LOL.) and I’m thinking this pattern would be perfect for it as and infinity scarf. I have been wanting to make one from it for summer.

        • Stephanie says:

          Introduced her to you and your site. Sheesh, I need to slow down. LOL

        • jackiees says:

          You could join using grafting (we haven’t covered grafting in a lace pattern stitch, but if you know how, of course go for it; otherwise if you just do plain grafting you will have a visible line of stitches that is different than the rest of the scarf — not necessarily a big deal, because the other alternatives will also not be invisible either), or use 3 needle bind off (slight ridge on WS but only slightly visible on RS)), or the pull-over join I will be showing in a few days (no ridge and only slightly visible on RS or WS).

          Have fun! The yarn sounds yummy.

  7. I purchased the full pattern and paid for it with Pay Pal several days ago. I have been unable to access the pattern. Please email it to me. Thanks. Judee

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Judee, I am sorry you are having accessing the pattern. The link for your purchase would have been toward the end of the “Thank you for your purchase” email you received on March 11. I will send you another link shortly via your email. Please be watching for it. (and also check your spam box because sometimes other important things you are missing could land there)
      Jackie E-S

  8. Sandra Stearns says:

    I have not been able to print off a copy of the leaf scarf. I have put in my user name and password and it comes up that I have the active status. The only information that comes up is for a paid pattern and it adds $6.00 to the cart. What am I doing wrong?

    • jackiees says:

      Sandra – Yes, you add the paid pattern to your cart. Then you type the discount coupon code into the “Enter Coupon Code” text box of the “Items in Cart” area (in the upper right sidebar of the screen).

      Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

  9. Pingback: Starting the Spring Lace Leaves Scarf | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  10. Pingback: Can I Use This Yarn? | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  11. JoanT says:

    Jackie, why do I have so much trouble downloading the monthly patterns? I’ve waited for this new lace scarf pattern for days and can’t download it. I’m dying to start and am frustrated. HELP, please!

    • jackiees says:

      Joan, I have no idea why you are having trouble downloading.
      Are you logged on while on the KAL page here?
      If so, since you are on the Limited Content level, there is a ADD TO CART button under the section titled

      Time-limited Offer for Free Limited Content Level Members

      There is also a 50% off discount code just before that (it’s in green text and good only thru 3/25), so be sure to apply that in your shopping cart after you’ve added the pattern to it, and before checking out to Paypal.

      If you still are having problems, please write me offline to let me know more specifically what kind of trouble you are having. It’s hard for me to just keep guessing, lol.

  12. jackiees says:

    Sorry, the Black Watch yarn has sold out. However, as promised I do still have one set aside for as part of this month’s Prize Giveaway. If you were not fast enough to purchase before others scooped up the supply, you still can enter the giveaway to get this last ball. Good luck!

  13. Cheri says:

    I ordered the pattern at 50% off. I paid through Paypal yesterday and I have no received the pattern. How long will it tak?

    • jackiees says:

      Hi Cheri, The pattern link is sent to your paypal email address right away. Have you checked your paypal email address? (I don’t want to post your address here as a matter of privacy concerns, but I see that the paypal email address you use is different than the email address you are writing from now — and so I expect the link is awaiting you at that other email address you have). Can you check that, please?

  14. lyndell netherton says:

    ok this is where I unsubscribe and delete you. there are too many free patterns available for you ti start jacking me up now!!!!!

    • jackiees says:

      You have been repeatedly emailing me outside this site with curse words and accusations of being a greedy bastard. It sounds like you are sick and I am sorry for you. But that does not mean I want you to stay around and bother other people. (and please do not post here any longer or email me unless you want to apologize)

  15. Joy says:

    Dear Jackie,
    This is a gorgeous pattern I’ve been looking forward to very much. I would indeed appreciate some beading advice PLEASE, beads add so much to an accessory like this one.

    Thank you for this pattern, and this site!

  16. Sandra Stearns says:

    I logged in and it says: member – free limited content
    active state – active
    account expiration – until cancelled
    But I can not download the latest pattern. What is the problem?

    • jackiees says:

      Sandra, Your Limited Content membership level does not include the monthly pattern as part of your plan. But as part of the March KAL, you can purchase the pattern at the significant discount of 50% off (valid thru March 25 only).

      If you upgrade to Basic Paid or Premium level, then you will be shown different info on that page which will allow you to download the pattern without charge as part of your membership plan benefits.

      Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

  17. gail ronan says:

    Lace leaves scarf. When in shopping cart I add 50% [this portion of comment contains sensitive information and has been removed by admin] discount code it just says code expired. Does not exist. Can you help. Thanks

  18. Debby Skidmore says:

    Apparently I now need to buy the new pattern. I have always been able to get the pattern for free. If I need to buy the pattern, I am done.

    • Lilly says:

      I agree.
      I am totally confused. It says it will be free for a few weeks Then says you have to buy it.
      I have no idea where I am on this.
      It pops up $6.00 and no free download area. So I guess I will be done also.\I loved the patterns and the how to’s but I do not need the confusion and an not in a position to buy.

      • jackiees says:

        Lilly, I am sorry you are confused. Since your introductory membership has expired, when you login you will see that your level is now Limited Content which means you have the option of purchasing the pattern at the 50% discount during the limited time offer period. I understand that if you are not in a position to buy, though, and this is why I still offer free access to much of the membership site for tip, tutorials, etc. for KAL’s even on the Limited Content level.

    • jackiees says:

      Debby, I hope you have enjoyed your free introductory membership to KnitHeartStrings. Rather than being “done”, my wish is that you continue to enjoy your knitting with the skills and new pleasures that KnitHeartStrings has brought you in the past months. If you have questions or I can help you further with HeartStrings patterns, just let me know. Jackie E-S

  19. Jan Nygaard says:

    I would love to see the beaded pattern of Spring Lace Leaves Scarf!!!

  20. Barb Gores says:

    Hi Jackie,
    I just wanted to say thank you for such a great website (the information you have stored here is incredible). I am one of those knitters who learned in childhood, stopped for 30 years and now have jumped back in to knitting in the past year. I found KnitHeartstrings about 9 months ago and did the free introductory membership. I upgraded to the basic level in December and am proud to say I finally got the courage to try one of your monthly KALs – the Irish Coffee Cozy. Your instructions are so clear and you offer so many tips, that I simply could not fail. I am amazed how easy this project was (and I have never knitted with beads before) and how well the final piece turned out. I am knitting my third one right now to give as gifts to my coffee loving girlfriends for St. Patrick’s day. Thank you so much for such a wonderful project! I am equally excited for the Spring Narrow Lace Leaves Scarf KAL – I have never tried to knit lace before, but I am willing to try knowing that you will provide great instructions, tips and tricks along the way. Thank you so much for all that you do and for such wonderful projects that I learn so much from.

    • jackiees says:

      Thank YOU the fantastic news about you getting back into knitting and your success with the Irish Coffee Cozy. Your excitement is contagious and I am smiling to have you here knitting with us. Enjoy the March KAL!

  21. Gloriamarie Amalfitano says:

    I don’t see the downoad button.

    • jackiees says:

      Oh – That’s because your introductory trial membership has expired to get the monthly KAL pattern for free, and you are now on the Limited Content level. Do you see the 50% off coupon code to apply purchase of the pattern? Or if you want to upgrade to the Basic Paid or Premium plans where you can continue to get the monthly KAL patterns for free as part of your paid membership, you can go here to upgrade, and then re-login to see the download button.

      If you have questions about the membership plans, just let me know.

  22. Pingback: pattern for Spring Lace Leaves KAL available now! | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

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