Previous KAL’s

TinaLu wrote: ” You have brought my knitting to a whole new level and I’m enjoying every minute! “

Bits of Lace 2012     BOBBOL 2013     Beyond BOBBOL 2014

If you missed some of the knit-and-learn-alongs for previous months, you can purchase the pattern now and still take advantage of extra bonus FREE tutorials, tips & techniques articles in the monthly archives at KnitHeartStrings.

There’s lots of good information in the articles to help you enjoy your pattern even more (and who knows, you might even pick up a tip or trick along the way).

Veila M wrote: ” You are such a wonderful teacher. Thanks so much for the great photos and tips! … “

Note: This listing is in reverse date order, with the most recently completed monthly KAL listed first.

Beyond BOBBOL 2014 / 2015 KAL’s

Beyond BOBBOL 2014 carries on the tradition of learn-and-knit-a-longs for small projects while learning and practicing in bit-sized steps. 2013′s BOBBOL Series for Bits Of Beads/Bits OLace expanded the popular Bits of Lace 2012 Series with additional types of small lace projects and the addition of projects for building skills in beading. For 2014, we are set to go Beyond BOBBOL with  projects to refine our skills in lace and beads, and add new ones.

Flowered Crown Baby Hat (April – May)

our yearly focus on charity knitting

For this KAL only, everyone will be able to get the project pattern for free! Come join us to knit Flowered Crown Preemie Hat.

Flowered Crown Baby Hat

This pretty baby hat is knit in the round for the most part in a simple 1,1 ribbing. Its plainness is topped off with a “flower” design incorporated in the decreases for the crown shaping. I hope you will enjoy knitting this project for your favorite baby charities and baby-gifting occasions.

Get the Flowered Crown Preemie Hat here (free pattern)

Fabulous Beaded Eggs (March – April)

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Lace Embellished Towel (January – February)

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Knitted Snowflakes (December – January)

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Beaded Mosaic Knitting (November)

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KAL articles for Beaded Basket Weave Hat

Other Tutorials and Tips to complement the November KAL

Check out other beading tutorials and tips listed for previous KALs on this page, as well as on the Bits of Lace 2012 and BOBBOL 2013 pages. These tutorials and tips are free to all members.

Smoke Ring with Lace Edging (October)

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KAL articles for Smoke Rings

  • Picking a Yarn
    The “smoke” part of the name smoke ring refers to the light-as-air fibers with superb warmth for their weight that are often used in making smoke rings.
  • Sizing for a Custom Fit
    If there is need to resize a smoke ring pattern, it will usually not be major amounts. One of these strategies will likely suffice.
  • What Goes Into the Design of a Smoke Ring?
    Spark excitement in how you can use the canvas of a simple smoke ring to play around with Form, Stitch Pattern(s), Embellishment and Structure.
  • Don’t Overthink It
    Sometimes it is the easy things that can trip us up in our knitting. Don’t overthink this month’s 2-stitch decorative bind off edging.
  • Blocking a Smoke Ring
    My motto is to keep it simple.

Spot Weaving: Spot woven knitting that mimics the look of beads (September)

2-sided hot pad with colors reversed on each side

2-sided hot pad with colors reversed on each side

Spot Woven Dishcloth (free pattern)

Spot Woven Dishcloth

Spot Woven Dishcloth

KAL articles for Spot Weaving

Lacy Maizy (August)

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KAL article for Lacy Maizy

Market Bag (July)

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KAL article for Crossed Loop Market Bag

  • Lace-Like Non-Lace
    I call the method used to make this stitch “cross looped”. It’s lace-like because of it’s openness, but not technically lace.

Charity Knitting Made Simply Elegant (June)

Elegantly Simple Baby Blanket - free charity knitting pattern at

Elegantly Simple Baby Blanket – free charity knitting pattern at

KAL articles for Charity Knitting Made Simply Elegant

Precious Treasures: Lorna’s Light Necklace Purse (May)

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KAL articles for Lorna’s Light Necklace Purse

  • The Challenge of Tiny
    This month’s Precious Treasures KAL combines lace knitting and beadwork in the tiniest project we’ve attempted so far with tiny needles, thread and beads.
  • Counting beads needed for a project
    Many patterns omit exact number of beads needed for a project. Especially if you are stringing by hand, it is nice to know. This is how to figure it out for yourself.
  • Purl Twist Right
    I expect the p1tr (purl 1 twist right) stitch used in Lorna’s Light might have been new to you. It is used for firmer fabric and locking in tiny beads.
  • Ideas for Beaded and Twisted Cords
    A fun part of making a necklace purse is coming up with a coordinating cord to go around your neck. Ideas and tips to make your own unique necklace cord.

Tea-time Serviette (April)

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KAL articles for Tea-time Serviette

  • Choosing thread/yarn if you plan to dye
    The most critical step to successful tea dyeing is your thread choice.
  • Edging Options
    Tea-time Serviette begins at the outer edge with a delightful Beaded Petit Scallop Edging. You can also consider one of these other edging options.
  • Judy’s Straw Trick
    Judy Gibson’s trick for using a straw to help beads jump onto your needle.
  • Long Tail Beaded Cast On
    This beaded cast on is very attractive because the beads will position themselves away from the fabric’s edge, giving a picot effect along the border.
  • Petit Scallop Edging
    Tea-time Serviette features a dainty lace Petit Scallop edging that can either be started with a beaded cast on or left plain without beads.
  • Zooming Along on the Center Area
    Making a Square in 4 Triangular Sections. The basics of outside-in square shaped circular knitting plus a few tidbits for the ever-curious knitter.
  • Tea Dyeing
    Tea dyeing is an easy way to give common white thread a lovely vintage look. Dyeing can be done either before knitting or afterwards.
  • Bonus Companion Project: Beverage Coaster
    Make a smaller companion piece for your Tea-time Serviette. This variation can be used as a large beverage coaster or teapot mat to protect your table.

Spring Lace Leaves Scarf (March)

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KAL articles for Spring Lace Leaves Scarf

Irish Coffee Cozy (February)

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KAL articles for Irish Coffee Cozy

I Heart Filet Lace (January)

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KAL articles for I Heart Filet Lace


projects in the BOBBOL 2013 series

BOBBOL stands for Bits of Beads/Bits of Lace, and expands the popular Bits of Lace 2012 Series with additional types of small lace projects and the addition of projects for building skills in beading. Some projects are lace, some are beads, and some are both. There is something for everyone.

Lace Doily Beret (December)

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KAL articles for Lace Doily Beret

Easy Elegance Mitts (November)

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KAL articles for Easy Elegance Mitts

Beaded Crescent Neck Lace (October)

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KAL articles for Beaded Crescent Neck Lace

Little Beaded Pumpkin (September)

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KAL articles for Little Beaded Pumpkin

Kitty In Your Lap Towel (August)

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KAL articles for Kitty In Your Lap Towel

Bells on My Toes Holiday Beaded Mini Sock (July)

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KAL articles for Holiday Beaded Mini Sock

Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl (June)

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KAL articles for Dolly’s Top-Down Tri Shawl

Pinwheel Flower (May)

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KAL articles for Pinwheel Flower

Mini Lace and Beaded Flag (April)

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KAL articles for Mini Lace and Beaded Flag

Pretty Awesome Yarn Pouch (March)

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KAL articles for Pretty Awesome Yarn Pouch

Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat (February)

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KAL articles for Seemingly Seamless 2-Needle Preemie Hat

Beading Hearts Friendship Bracelet (January)

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KAL articles for Beading Hearts Friendship Bracelet

Bits of Lace 2012

Projects in the Bits of Lace 2012 Series

Knitted lace edgings are a beautiful addition to garments, linens, and accessories. Because these trims are typically done on just a few stitches, each project takes just a small amount of materials and time.

A Bit of Lace Dolly Shawl (December)

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KAL articles for A Bit of Lace Dolly Shawl

Knitted Ribbons (November)

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KAL articles for Knitted Ribbons

Bits of Lace Oak Leaf (October)

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KAL articles for Bits of Lace Oak Leaf

Lace-edged Doily (September)

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KAL articles for Lace-edged Doily

Spiraling Diamonds Lace-edged Towel

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KAL articles for Spiraling Diamonds Lace-edged Towel

Antique Satin and Lace Ornament

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KAL articles for Antique Satin and Lace Ornament

Summer Lace Anklets

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KAL articles for Summer Lace Anklets

Lace Cable Bookmark

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KAL articles for Lace Cable Bookmark

Three Eyelets Sachet

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KAL articles for Three Eyelets Sachet

Lace Bug Bookmark

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KAL articles for Lace Bug Bookmark

Extra Bonus Pattern (free)

Quick Lace-Edged Baby Socks

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KAL articles for Quick Lace-Edged Baby Socks

5 Responses to Previous KAL’s

  1. Pingback: Flowered Crown Preemie Hat pattern | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  2. Pingback: Which do you want? August Prize Giveaways | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  3. Pingback: Discover a Gem: Previous KAL’s and Associated Support Articles | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  4. Julia Wright says:

    I am so thrilled and relieved to see the ‘Previous KAL’s’ and associated articles. I have been trying to keep track of this info in a spreadsheet and it’s become an impossibility. I’ve been looking at countless hours to invest in getting all this logged and correct. I’ve been avoiding it as a major investment of time and energy.

    This is such a wonderful gift. I can’t thank you enough for the brilliantly fun patterns, the extremely informative and educational articles, and the sheer love and giving desire to pass on what you know to others.

    I just don’t have the words to express my deep gratitude and thanks.

    You are a jewel and a treasure and I wish you every kind of happiness!

    Lots of admiration and affection, Julie Wright

    • jackiees says:

      I am so glad that helps you. I hadn’t initially thought about compiling the associated articles for each monthly KAL until we were about 8 months into the Bits of Lace 2012 Series. It took me quite a while to do that. But now that I have it on my regular list of to-do’s every month, it’s easier to keep up with.

      It really helps me know that my time and energy are well spent (and obviously encourages me to keep going). Thank YOU for your kind comments and enthusiastic participation.

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