transform fine lace knitting beadwork into beautiful, sparkly jewelry
Have you joined us to knit Lorna’s Light and stretch the limits on how small you can go with tiny needles, tiny thread and tiny beads?
Carry your tiniest, precious treasures in this miniature purse. I wanted to let you know that the pattern for Lorna’s Light Necklace Purse is available now at discount for May KAL participants. Click here for the KAL page with pattern info, etc.
Need supplies? My summer/fall away-from-the-studio schedule is approaching fast, which means I will be traveling more and will not be shipping orders for physical items from the KnitHeartStrings Online Store again until the late Fall. If you have been thinking about getting kits or supplies for summer stitching, please get your order in before May 15, 2014. Thanks!
How small can you go?
This month’s Precious Treasures learn-and-knit-along combines lace knitting and beadwork in the tiniest project we’ve attempted so far with tiny needles, thread and beads. We are knitting this tiny necklace purse/amulet bag
- on tiny size 4/0 (1.25 mm) needles
- with tiny thread (size 8 perle cotton or similar)
- with tiny size 10/0 or 11/0 beads (approx 2 mm diameter)
I hope this little project doesn’t intimidate you. There are some suggestions I have below to make the knitting more doable if you find it too much of a challenge. And next month, I promise that we are going to have an easy, pleasy project as a rest from knitting tiny and tinier, lol. Continue reading