PDF Articles for Convenient Download and Reference

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5 Responses to PDF Articles for Convenient Download and Reference

  1. jackiees says:

    Hi Aine,
    Thanks for signing up for Premium. I am sorry you are having problems accessing the PDF articles. Usually this is because your computer or other electronic tablet/phone device that you are using has cached (i.e. memorized) site page information from before you signed up. Probably the easiest way to reset your computer/device so that it forces it to recognize your new status is to quit the browser you are using, shut down your computer/device and then re-start.

    If you are still having trouble after trying that, let me know directly at jackie@heartstringsfiberarts.com and I will work with you to make sure you can get to the Premium content. Thanks!

  2. jackiees says:

    The coupon code for the necklace purse pattern is on the May KAL page for Precious Treasures – http://www.knitheartstrings.com/member-pattern/precious-treasures-kal

    Scroll down on the KAL page to the sections for Time-Limited Offers. The Coupon Code is in big green capital letters, just above the boxed-in area where you can add the pattern to your shopping cart.

  3. Bernice Melnyk says:

    I would like to download the pdf Tea Time Serviette but do not find it.
    Thank you in advance.

  4. Pingback: Transferring Strings of Beads | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

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