Prize Drawings

Current Month’s Prize     How to Enter

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April 2015 Giveaway – Win complete kit to make Tea-time Serviette AND gold “Tea for Tea” earrings

I think you are going to LOVE the KnitHeartStrings KAL prize in April! The goodies include both a complete kit to make a Tea-Time lace napkin and a set of earrings with tea pot and tea cup designs.


The April prize drawing has a total value over $36. Here is what is included –

  • Tea-Time Serviette Pattern (here is a link to the e-pattern normally sold on this site, but for your prize if you prefer you will receive a printed, autographed version)
  • Tea-Time Serviette Supplies Pak to make one Tea-time Serviette: 5/2 Tencel thread; white pearl ceylon beads, floss threader to string beads and a tea bag for natural dyeing
  • Tea for Two teapot and teacup earrings by Susan Pine of Goose Pond. These wonderfully detailed earrings are lightweight and comfortable to wear. The designs are etched in brass plated with 24K gold for a tarnish-free finish. The French ear wires are 14K gold filled. Aren’t they cute?!

Tea-time Serviette

To Participate in Monthly KnitHeartStrings Giveaway Drawings

To enter the giveaway and earn entries —

  • Earn an entry for each item you purchase from the KnitHeartStrings Store during month. This includes upgrading to a paid membership level (Basic or Premium).
  • Make a donation (see sidebar to right) here at KnitHeartStrings.
  • Email me a photo of a project you have knitted for one of the KAL’s along with any information you’d like to share such as yarn used, Ravelry project page link, etc.

Note: If you are Premium Level member, you are automatically entered as part of your Premium members benefits! However, if you want to increase your chances of winning even more, any purchase from the KnitHeartStrings Store or donation as described above during the month counts as an additional entry.

A random drawing will be held after I tally the entries following the month’s close. I’ll announce the winner as soon as possible after that. I hope the winner will be YOU! Good luck.

60 Responses to Prize Drawings

  1. Pingback: November Drawing for Bitty Beady Christmas Tree Gift Kit | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  2. Pingback: Win a Bitty Beady Christmas Tree Gift Kit | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  3. Deborah Myers says:

    Hi Jackie and others — I would love to win this project kit, “Smoke Ring with Lacy Edging”. I have a very short neck, but would love this wear this one as it appears to not ride as high on the neck, or it may also be closer to the neck and softy layered closer to the neck. This is an absolutely one of the only smoke rings I would really enjoy wearing. I love light and airy lace projects and this fits the bill! Love, love, love this piece.

    Fondly, Deb from MN

  4. Pingback: October Prize Drawing: Luxury Smoke Ring Kit | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  5. Ellisen says:

    They’re all lovely. I would be honored to have any of them.

  6. Jane Weaver says:

    Would LOVE the smoke ring scarf kit… is beautiful!

  7. Pingback: Win a Smoke Ring Kit | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  8. Susan Essing says:

    I’d take the pumpkin kit, but the bears are cute too!

  9. Gail Poulos says:

    I would love to win the Little Beaded Pumpkin kit.

  10. Jellysquare says:

    I would love to win the teddy bear kit! I know my grand-daughter would love it.

  11. Sharon says:

    I love the little pumpkin, but I think I would gift the bear kit to a friend. I’m in between having kids of my own and having grandkids!

  12. As always, the instructions you provide and your patterns are just wonderful. I love this site and don’t get to spend nearly as much time on it as I want to!

    If selected, I would love to have the sweet little pumpkin. I love to bead, though I prefer placing beads with a crochet hook over pre-stringing them. The bonus to this little kit is that you have already strung them! Anyone who hasn’t done beading just doesn’t understand what a help that is!

    Take care,


  13. bobbe josephson says:

    would love the pumpkin so I can learn to bead and knit, and also would love the teddy bear it is so darling. thank you…Bobbe

  14. Juanita Williams says:

    Hello Jackie,
    thank you for all your inspiration, patterns, happy thoughts. If I am selected I would like the teddy Bear kit. Thank you Jackie

  15. Diana Cooper says:

    I’d love to win the bear to knit for my sister. She has been nicknamed Bear since she weighed in at 10.25 # at birth, with a head full of dark hair.

  16. Pingback: Which do you want? August Prize Giveaways | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  17. Carolyn says:

    Would be really cool to dye my own yarn, but don’t think I could keep from drinking the Kool-Aid. LOL

    However, those bears would go perfectly with the baby blankets I love to knit. They would also make me learn to knit in the round with double pointed needles. What more could I want from a pattern? Besides they are adorable.

    Thank you, Jackie, for always challenging us and finding us something cute and beautiful.


  18. Juanita Williams says:

    Kool Aid Dying Socks would inspire me to get off the fence and knit a pair of socks

  19. bobbe josephson says:

    Jackie, you have a great heart…kind and helpful always..thank you for sharing your magic with all of us.

  20. MaryAnn Lowrie says:

    I think the kool-aid dying kit is amazing!

  21. Susan Essing says:

    I like the sock kit! Now if only my replacement needles would arrive so I can finish my market bag =( Nothing more disappointing than trying a brand new pair of expensive needles and finding multiple defects =(

  22. Dawne says:

    Love both, but especially the teddy bear. 🙂

  23. Mary Alice Helgesen says:

    I would love to win the sock dyeing kit. Thank you!

  24. Joy says:

    Dear Jackie, as always you are being so very generous, what fabulous prizes!

    I’d be thrilled to receive a kit with all the supplies to knit your adoreable teddy bear! I’ll be shopping with you this month so will be keeping my fingers crossed!

  25. Ellen C says:

    Love the colors of the Lorna’s yarn – my favorite two colors! And my mom always got mad when I put those together because in her opinion pink and orange don’t go together! How wrong could someone be? The sock patterning is so pretty too and how fun to add the red hots candy. To up my chances of winning I’ve started a charity blanket and hope to complete it by the end of the month.

  26. Pingback: April Giveaway at KnitHeartStrings | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  27. Jean Vollman says:

    I love all your patterns and look forward to new ones coming out. You give away would be wonderful to win. Thank you for all the help you have given me in the past years.

  28. Carolyn Robinson says:

    This is so elegant and your patterns make the most gorgeous emails!

  29. Pingback: April Prize Giveaway | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  30. Pingback: March Giveaway at KnitHeartStrings | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  31. Pingback: January Giveaway at KnitHeartStrings | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  32. Pingback: The Year in Review: BOBBOL 2013 | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  33. Pingback: December Giveaway at KnitHeartStrings | Taking Time to Smell the Roses

  34. Dear Jackie I just so enjoy your way of looking at knitwear outside the box. This is one reason why I went to a premium membership! Who would have thought one could start the pattern for a beautiful beret, but then change the same pattern and making a doily! I love doilies! I would like to pin some wool to make this. Coulda single ply be used for both the beret and the doily? If so what API would you recommend?
    I love the lace in this project but also the lace in the Terrezatto lace arm Warner’s, three lace patterns in one!
    Happy Christ-Mas
    Bless you,
    Grace ps I look forward to knitting more lace better done than in my past as I go through a long cold winter. Your patterns give me hope to do better!

  35. Lenore Jose says:

    I not proficient using double-pointed needles, but I am going to give it a good try. I love the beret!

  36. rlbates says:

    Bought the yarn knit for the Nov KAL which I haven’t managed to start yet due to knitting Christmas hats for the little ones for Christmas. Looking forward to it though. Thanks so much for the articles/tips you post.

  37. lori nelson says:

    I am just learning to knit and would love to win a stash. Thanks!

  38. Dawne says:

    I would love adding these beautiful skeins to my stash. I love one skein projects and also stashbusting quilts. Thanks for chance!

  39. Joanna Denis says:

    Thank you! I’ve been enjoying your patterns for years.

  40. Pingback: Congrats to June’s Winner - Enter July Prize Giveaway Now | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  41. joan says:

    well, I donated before attempting to enter the contest, and got the notice about membership level. now I cannot find anyplace to try to enter since you changed the Protected Content message… oh well, I guess I can try again another month. I am enjoying learning about knitting lace (and lace knitting), I can certainly consider this a prize I win every month!

    • jackiees says:

      Joan, Thank you for your generous donation! I hope you received my email acknowledging receipt of the donation and assuring you that you are entered in the June drawing.

      Your donation is even more special to me when you said “I am enjoying learning about knitting lace (and lace knitting), I can certainly consider this a prize I win every month!” You’ve made my day!

  42. joan says:

    Trying to enter June contest, it tells me my membership level does not have access to this content, and asks me to renew or upgrade my account the link takes me to a registration page that (surprise,) will not let me register because I’m already in the system I would like to enter the contest what am I doing wrong??

    • linda says:

      I get the same message. Will not let me enter the contest.

      • jackiees says:

        I’ve removed the premium level Protected Content message to avoid future confusion.

        As a Free Level member, you can enter the June drawing with a purchase of anything from the KnitHeartStrings Store during June 2013 (including an upgrade premium level or making a donation).

    • jackiees says:

      The protected content area gives some extra privileges to members who are at the Premium Level (i.e. they get automatic entry). As a Free Member, you can still enter the contest by purchasing anything from the KnitHeartStrings Store during June 2013.

      If you are interested in considering Premium Level membership, there is information here on upgrade plans.

  43. Pingback: Enter June's Prize Giveaway | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's

  44. Irene says:

    Hi Jackie,

    Thank you so much for your generosity sharing your knowledge and creativity with us. When we did the Dolly’s Faroese shawl, I had to knit it in a flash, because it reminded me of my mom who had recently passed and for whom I had knit several Faroese shawls. I’ve been so busy recently and hadn’t even gotten to download this dolly pattern until I got your most recent email tutorial (6/25!). Did I tell you that my Mom’s birthday was June 10? So I have to knit this shawl! This contest is a great way for me to support you by purchasing something. I’ll do that as soon as I post this!

    • jackiees says:

      Thank YOU so much for your support! Glad that the tutorials announcement helped remind you of getting this month’s dolly pattern. The month DOES go by fast, doesn’t it?!

  45. Ruth says:

    I’d love to win this kit, and have to say, your patterns are so beautiful, I even put your circular cast-on tip on FB for my other knitting friends. blessings, Ruth

  46. Pingback: May Prize Giveaway (and KHS Store "Summer Hours") | Knit HeartStrings

  47. karen j kennedy says:

    what a generous offer! These look like a fabulous and fun pattern.

  48. Pingback: Results of Bead Color Poll | Knit HeartStrings

  49. Pauline says:

    Jackie, thank you for all your help. I just practiced the Gathered Woven Closure and will be using it soon. I also bought on your revelry site two patterns. I’ll be starting the Sweatshirt sweater in the short sleeve version to give my neice.

  50. Patti aka oldgoatwoman says:

    You have been so generous. I look forward to the coming year and contributing to help support you, the artist, in your endeavors!

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