Re-send Download Link

Request download links for e-Patterns you have previously purchased with the email address you specify here. This is useful if you have misplaced a previous download file or did not have a chance to download a file before the original download link expired.

Make sure the email address you specify is still active so that you receive your new links.

Note: This does not apply to free monthly patterns previously available. It is only for patterns you have actually purchased at the KnitHeartStrings Online Store.


3 Responses to Re-send Download Link

  1. jackiees says:

    You need to enter the same email address as you used for the pattern purchases (otherwise the system can’t match up the purchase). For example, if you are using a different email address for Paypal payments than the email address registered for KnitHeartStrings purchases, you need to enter your Paypal email address.

  2. Helen Cowley says:

    I have purchased several of your patterns so I don’t know why I am getting a ‘no purchases found ‘ response.

  3. Pingback: Need to (Re-)Download a Pattern You Purchased at KnitHeartStrings? | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

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