Bead-pinned Lace Edging Ornament

Have you started playing with Simple Eyelet #2? I bet some of you are hesitant to start trying it out because you are trying to decide what you might use your bit of lace for. Besides the ideas already presented in the monthly projects, here’s another to go along with our bonus weekend.

Usually we think of attaching lace to some other textile item. However, this little adornment is just a commercially available satin-covered styrofoam ornament trimmed with a short length of the Simple Eyelet #2 lace edging. Even a plain styrofoam ball makes a nice ornament when dressed up with festive lace edging.

Lace edging trimmed ornament

Lace edging trimmed ornament

For example, if you use a 3″ diameter ball (the most common size usually available in the holiday or party decoration stores), you’ll need a 7.5″ length of lace edging after blocking and lightly stretched. You don’t really need to measure; just check if you have made your lace edging long enough yet by temporarily wrapping it around the ball while stretching slightly as you do so. Then complete the Simple Eyelet #2 repeat through row 5, bind off and sew the 2 ends together.

Here’s a simple technique tip for attaching the lace edging to the styrofoam ball.  The technique is both easy and decorative: Insert a sewing pin through a bead (with a bead hole that is small enough so that the head of the sewing pin is caught), then push the pin through a firm area of the lace into the styrofoam.

Push a sewing pin through the hole of a bead

Push a sewing pin through the hole of a bead

Insert a bead-pin every so often (for example in each repeat of the edging), all around the circumference of the ornament. You can use the photo here as a guide.

Space the bead-pins at each repeat of the lace edging

Space the bead-pins at each repeat of the lace edging

So what ideas do your have for your Simple Edging #2? Have fun!

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8 Responses to Bead-pinned Lace Edging Ornament

  1. Toni Lorenz says:

    `I was so looking forward to making some of these for gifts. Do you have any ideas where I could find the satin ornaments? Everywhere I have looked they are decorated glass or plastic. Thank you.

  2. Sylvia says:

    That is really pretty, thank you so much for the patterns you post for us.
    I will definitely be making a few of these ornaments before Christmas.

  3. Pingback: Reminder - Quick Ornament with a Bit of Lace | Knit HeartStrings

  4. Pingback: The heritage of white lace | Knit HeartStrings

  5. momtat92 says:

    Ooo planning on these as a Christmas present for family. Most of them enjoy getting my hand made gifts. Now just have to wait for the styrofoam ornaments come out or make a few myself

  6. Truth says:

    Ooooo…. I’ll plan on making these ornaments as Christmas presents for family this year. Combines my 2 loves…. beads and beading and lace knitting! Thanks!

  7. Linda says:

    Another idea for short bits of sample lace is to use them in card making which I enjoy doing. A little bit of lace on a special card is always appreciated by the recipient and lets them really know how much you care.

    • jackiees says:

      What a great idea. That reminds me that someone had made notecards with a bit of tatted lace attached, and I was the recipient of one of those special cards. I can attest to how much it showed they cared. Doing something like that with knitted lace would so nice. Thanks for reminding me of that. I’m off to play with some of these bitty samples of lace edging I have around here!

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