Ideas for Beaded and Twisted Cords

Lorna's Light necklace purse with chain of various types of beads, crystals, and semi-precious gemstones

Lorna’s Light necklace purse with chain of various types of beads, crystals, and semi-precious gemstones

A fun part of making a necklace purse is coming up with a coordinating cord to go around your neck. The Lorna’s Light pattern calls for a pre-made necklace chain or cord. You can purchase one, or re-cycle one from an old necklace, or even better — make your own unique creation!

Look around you for ideas, or just let your creative juices go free. Need help in getting jump started? Here are photos from a few of the necklace purses I have made. Note: Not all are the Lorna’s Light design and one is not even knitted, but the necklace cord ideas can be used interchangeably.

Simple Beaded Strand Cord

First up is a cord made simply of beads strung onto a strand of sturdy thread or bead stringing wire such as tiger tail beading cord.

Beaded bag with necklace cord of strung beads

Beaded bag with necklace cord of strung beads

In this example, the same beads were used in the necklace cord as were used in knitting the bag.

Fancy Beaded Strand Cord

Rather than simply stringing the same beads for the cord as above, you can use other coordinating beads, crystals and gemstones along with the beads used to knit the little purse. String them in whatever pleasing arrangement you want.

Closeup of beaded cord with various types of  beads, crystals and gemstones

Closeup of beaded cord with various types of beads, crystals and gemstones

Twisted Cord

Another idea is simply to make a twisted cord from the same thread used for knitting your purse. Make it fancier by adding a beaded strand to your cord before the final twisting step.

Twisted cord with beaded strand added

Twisted cord with beaded strand added

This twisted cord uses more of the same thread and same beads as were used in knitting the bag.

Fancy Beaded Twisted Cord

This cord combines twisted strands with single strands.

fancy twisted beaded cord

fancy twisted beaded cord

Tips for Designing Your Own

  1. Determine the desired length for your necklace cord. I prefer a necklace purse a little longer than my other necklace jewelry, so usually go for an approximate 30 – 32″ length. Your mileage my vary though, so test it out with a length of waste thread temporarily attached to the top sides of your completed mini-purse to see what length you feel comfortable wearing.
  2. If doing a “fancy” version with various beads, crystals, gemstones, etc., preliminarily lay out your beads in a test sequence. Then step back to observe. Rearrange as needed before actually stringing to make your necklace cord.
  3. If stringing beads, be sure to use a sturdy thread or bead stringing wire such as tiger tail beading cord.

Be creative and have fun! I’d love to see what you come up with, and I am sure other members would love to see. You can upload any photos you’d like to share at the KAL Projects Photo Gallery. If you need help posting photos, let me know and I will be happy to help.

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3 Responses to Ideas for Beaded and Twisted Cords

  1. Michelle McCrillis says:

    Another cord thought would be to make a lucet cord, beaded or plain, for it. Using a luchet is fairly mindless and you can crank it out qauicte quickly.

  2. Linda says:

    I have not been able to join the May beading project. I love the small purse shown in second photo, white with turquoise beading. using the tigertail beading cord. Is there a pattern available for this purse?
    Thank you so much for your educational offerings and I am glad to donate to keep this going. What a great opportunity! Linda D.

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