Ornament Ball Tips for the Christmas in July project

In the Shopping List for the Christmas in July project I suggested –

  • 1 ornament ball, 7.5” circumference. If you have trouble finding a satin ornament, you may need to substitute a more readily available glass ball.

The circumference of the ball is the same as the slightly stretched blocked length of the lace edging you will make.

Tip 1: Adjusting for different sizes of ornament balls

To adjust for other sizes of ornament balls, keep in mind that more thread may be needed, and that the total number of beads you will need depends on the number of 6-row repeats it takes to encircle the ornament — 3 beads are needed per 6-row repeat.

Tip 2: Shopping for a particular size of ball

For shopping purposes (especially online where you cannot measure the ball you are buying), I should have realized that you might need some help in remembering the mathematical conversion to diameter (which apparently is the measurement that most online places are using).

If you recall from school days, the diameter is the longest distance through the center of the ball. Of course, your knitting is not going to be passing through the center of the ball, but it will be helpful to know this measurement if shopping online. Here is the formula:

diameter = circumference / PI
(where for our purposes PI can be approximated to about 3.14)

So for a 7.5″ circumference, the diameter would be approx 2.375″; (i.e. 2-3/8″ in fraction notation). Note: Sorry, if you downloaded this month’s project pattern after I attempted to update it with the diameter, I just realized that somehow the “3” of “.375” got dropped off – I’ve corrected that now.

Tip 3: Alternatives to using a satin-wrapped ornament ball

A white satin ball (thread-wrapped styrofoam) was used in the pictured model.

Satin-wrapped ornament with beaded lace edging

However, if you have trouble finding a satin ornament, you can substitute a glass ball and follow instructions in this month’s project pattern instructions for using clear craft glue instead of pins for attaching the edging.

Another possibility is to get a plain Styrofoam ball at the craft store. Then wrap it with some yarn you have on hand. Here is a link with inspiration and instructions:

Yarn Ball Xmas Ornaments by stitchstitch

I am looking forward to seeing what YOU come up with. Don’t be afraid to be inventive. I hope these ideas spark your creativity and interest even further!

p.s. Would you like me to offer kits for sale with a choice of colors for the satin ornament, thread and beads? I was even thinking I might save you the work of stringing the beads onto the thread and including the fine gauge pins for attaching. Let me know what you think with your comments here.


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7 Responses to Ornament Ball Tips for the Christmas in July project

  1. Elise says:

    Yes, please! I would appreciate it greatly if you offered a kit for this ornament.

  2. Susan (sjanova) says:

    I don’t use holiday ornaments, but I might use this lace design for something else. So I don’t need the kits, but it might be a good idea for others who do use holiday ornaments — these would look terrific in somebody else’s house. **smile**

    • jackiees says:

      Of course, it will be fine for you to use the lace edging for anything else you want. Depending on the use of the item, you may or may not want to include the beads.

      Also, even though you yourself do not use holiday ornaments, you might want to keep this idea in mind for gifts to others. For example, this would make a specially nice hostess gift. Just a thought …

  3. jackiees says:

    The pins you describe should do fine. The idea is that there is enough of a head on the pin to catch the thread and hold it attached to the ball, but without it being very discernible.

    • Joy says:

      Terrific, … Thank You Jackie! Whether or not the pin head is the right size is one of those things that can be a tad tricky to judge from an online photo. And the name doesn’t suggest a discrete pin. A relief to know the right five hundred pins are in the mail!

  4. Joy says:

    Dear Jackie,
    Thank you so much for these tips they do help! May I ask for one more please? I’ve been looking at pins, would 3/4 inch sequin pins be a good choice? In spite of the name they would appear to have small heads.

    I’ve also found a good supplier for the satin balls online, if you don’t mind buying several at one time! http://www.craftking.com/crafthtml/satin_balls.htm They’ve got all sorts of fabulous craft supplies including beads, and really are open, I phoned them this afternoon.

    Hope this info is of help to others,

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