Don’t Miss a Thing … Beyond BOBBOL 2015

Lori I. wrote:
“… you’ve made knitting come alive for me again, and i don’t want to miss a thing.”

Happy new year! We are going Beyond BOBBOL again in 2015 with projects tailored to appetizer portions of unique stitches and techniques made easy with KnitHeartStrings extra hand-holding KAL’s. Even if you already know how, I think you will find the projects fun (and who knows, you might even pick up a tip or trick along the way).

Each month’s KAL project will be selected with a focus on building skills in bit-sized steps. Some projects will be lace and some not. Some will be beads and some not. Some will go beyond lace and beads to try new things in other areas. There will be something for everyone. 

Leading up Beyond BOBBOL 2015: new, never before offered HeartStrings pattern

To celebrate the new year, we’ll be kicking off BOBBOL 2015 with a brand new, never before offered pattern in the HeartStrings pattern collections: Lace Embellished Towel. Turn an ordinary towel into something extraordinary. Whether for yourself or a gift for someone else, this lace-edged towel will have a special place in the heart and home.

Lace Embellished Towel

Lace Embellished Towel

Pattern Availability and Shopping List

Check the Next Up KAL page in the Knit-A-Longs area for the schedule of when Lace Embellished Towel pattern will be available with special offers for KnitHeartStrings member. The Shopping List is available there NOW so you can meantime get your materials and supplies ready to knit when the KAL begins January 20th.

REMINDER – LAST DAY to pick up and use your special offers at KnitHeartStrings for the Knitted Snowflakes December KAL patterns. Be sure to be logged in with your membership info to see your best offer.

MONTHLY Prize Drawings

Congratulations to Martha Dolbeer, winner of the Win Premium Time Drawing. Martha’s prize is a year of Premium Level membership valued at $39!

Stay tuned for more prize drawings in 2015. I haven’t started listing prizes for 2015 yet, but you can get an idea from the prizes we had in 2013 and 2014. As a KAL participant, you’ll be automatically entered for Monthly Drawings. See how on the Prize Giveaway page.

Thanks to everyone for participating in the KnitHeartStrings KALs. Your support and membership is truly appreciated. Here’s to another year of knitting fun together.

Yours knittingly,

Jackie E-S Jackie E-S / HeartStrings FiberArts

p.s. Please let your knitting friends know about KnitHeartStrings and invite them to Join Us to learn-and-knit-along in 2015.

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2 Responses to Don’t Miss a Thing … Beyond BOBBOL 2015

  1. Christiane says:

    KALS – These are my New Year resolution. 2015, I will knit at least 1/2 of the KAL you are giving us. And here to break this resolution (breaking one already) I cannot knit these towels embellishments. My mother made us do all our towels and sheets and pillowcases, etc, etc for our trousseau. I have despised them ever since. I just cannot made myself do another one. Terrible isn’t it? But I know that you will give us some other beautiful items to knit and I will do them.

    Happy New Year and Happy Knitting.

    • jackiees says:

      Christiane, I am sorry you are put off by the thought of doing another towel after all the trousseau work! You could still maybe knit along and just do the lace edging pattern, then either attach to something else or maybe use to start the edge of something else knitted. There have been plenty of ideas along the way in our projects during 2012 – 2014 where lace edgings are used. Maybe using the lace edging instructions for this pattern for some other item inspired by previous projects might spark your interest?

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