Kicking off BOBBOL 2013 with Beads

Happy New Year! I’m excited to have you here to help me kick off BOBBOL 2013.

BOBBOL continues the popular Bits of Lace 2012 Series with the addition of bit-size projects for building skills in beading (the BOB portion stands for Bits of Beads, of course, lol).

If you have been avoiding learning to knit with beads or to knit lace because you think it is too hard, I am going to tempt you with a little project each month that involves just a few stitches. Even if you already know how, I think you will find the projects fun (and who knows, you might even pick up a tip or trick along the way).

Some monthly bit-sized projects in 2013 will be lace and some not. Some will be beads and some not. There will be something for everyone.

Starting off the BOBBOL 2013 series for January’s bit-size project is Beading Hearts Friendship Bracelet. The pattern is available for you to download for free now.

Beading Hearts Friendship Bracelet

Beading Hearts Friendship Bracelet

Throughout the remainder of January, I’ll be popping in at the KnitHeartStrings site with bit-size tutorials and tips to help you over any humps and answer questions.

Remember that Beading Hearts Friendship Bracelet is available for you now under the Free Membership Pattern menu, but only for the remainder of January.

Not a member of KnitHeartStrings yet? Register now – It’s a great deal with free membership.

Happy beading and knitting in 2013!

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