Announcing Bit-size Tutorials, Tips & Techniques

As a member of Bits of Lace 2012, the year-long series being hosted at this new Knit HeartStrings membership site, you’ll not only get a free project pattern each month, but also bonus knitting tutorials, tips and techniques.

Later today I will post the first of the Bit-size Tutorials. Then, on each Friday thereafter, my plan is to post the next mini-tutorial. On Saturdays, I will post a tip or technique related to the project pattern we are doing for the month. Watch for these and check them right away to take full advantage of your Free Membership.

Not a member yet? Go to the Registration form here to join now. It’s free, so why wait?

Lace-edged Hanky

Lace-edged Hanky

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3 Responses to Announcing Bit-size Tutorials, Tips & Techniques

  1. Janie says:

    Is there a way to obtain the 1st pattern…..I just signed up today, and would love the pattern for the lace edging on the baby socks. Begging here…many thanks for any and all help.

  2. Joyce says:

    This is great Jackie, really enjoying your teaching and tutorials. 🙂

  3. MarieAnge says:

    Looking forward to seeing the tips and tutorials!

    Thank you 🙂

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