Tea-time Serviette begins at the outer edge and is knit circularly toward the center. The pattern includes instructions for a delightful Beaded Petit Scallop Edging (shown in the middle of the below photo). I’ll be posting photo tutorials soon to demonstrate and provide more detail about the Long Tail Beaded Cast On and Petit Scallop Edging.
But first, I wanted to cover other edging options, as it will affect how you begin your project. You might prefer one of these options if you don’t want to use beads, or if you want something simpler, quicker and less involved.

Upper: Un-beaded petit scallop edging
Middle (dyed): Beaded petit scallop edging
Lower: Beaded without petit scallop edging
Plain Petit Scallop Edging
The sample shown at the top of the photo is the Petit Scallop Edging without beads. If you choose this option, please mark your pattern as follows –
- Skip over the part about stringing beads onto your project thread.
- Start your project with a plain long tail cast on and the same number of stitches indicated in the pattern (i.e. 220 stitches).
Tip: Do the cast on loosely since you don’t have beads to force you to space out your stitches! This will also facilitate you being able to work the first row of the petit scallop edging more easily. - In the Petit Scallop Edging section, skip over the Set-up row.
Then proceed as given from there.
Plain Beaded Edging
The sample shown at the bottom of the photo is a beaded cast on without the petit scallops. Because of the slight bias in the Center Area stitch pattern, you still auto-magically get broad scallops along the edge. This fluted edge can be further enhanced during the blocking. For more about bias, read Bias Effects in Lace Patterning.
If you choose this option, please mark your pattern as follows –
- String only 172 beads.
- Cast on only 172 stitches, sliding a bead into pace after every cast on stitch.
Tip: The reason the original pattern instructions have you place beads every 4 out of 5 stitches is because that bead sequence anticipates working the petit scallops. - Join into a round for circular knitting, taking care not to twist stitches. Then purl 1 round, placing 4 markers evenly spaced; i.e. every 43 stitches.
Tip: The plain purl round offsets the main Center Area pattern and also helps tame the edge from curling once blocked. - Skip over the entire Petit Scallop Edging section.
Then proceed from the Center Area section as given.
Plain Un-Beaded Edging
This option is not pictured, but basically it will look like the Plain Beaded Edging without beads! Proceed as for the Plain Beaded Edging option except omit the beads.
What is your option?
Let us know what Edging option you are planning to do. Can’t decide? There’s time to do them all if you want. The project knits up relatively quickly (the edging is probably the most time-consuming portion if you add beads and/or do the petit scallops). What do you think?
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Jackie – I just sent and email letting you know my other questions – I just purchased the beads and pattern. I tried to get the checkout area to accept one pattern and before I knew it, I checked with 3 patterns for the 9.75 charge. I this correct? Help with all of my questions. Should I not have gone forward accepting 3 instead of 1, it refused to give me any number other than 3, then the price was as I expected 3.25, a difference of $6.50. I know you can help me some way with this. Thanks so very much, Deb from MN
I’m not sure what could have happened that you got 3 patterns in your cart (I couldn’t reproduce the problem here on my end), but of course I will take care of the difference after we add in your thread.
Boy, Jackie, are you going to show us how to get the beads onto the string? Somehow I just imagined that you scoop the beading needle through a bunch of beads and they would magically jump onto the needle. Doesn’t seem to be working that way. You’ve done many beaded projects in the past so maybe it’s on your site somewhere already…