Designing with Elements of Lace Edging Patterns

This explanation of the design origins of the little oak leaf pattern will help you look at the elements of lace edgings in totally new ways.

I hope you are enjoying a  celebration of Fall by knitting along on the little oak leaf, our October project for Bits of Lace. I’d love to hear what favorite autumn colors everyone is using! Please share.

Bits of Lace Oak Leaves celebrate some of the colors of Fall

Bits of Lace Oak Leaves celebrate some of the colors of Fall

You might be surprised about the the design origins of this little leaf. Or at least this little story will help you look at the elements of lace edgings in totally new ways.

Remember the Three Eyelets edging we did earlier this year for the the Sachet project? I took only the shaped portion of the lace edging (i.e. containing the 3 eyelets) for use as the lobes of the oak leaf. Basically, the original 4-stitch heading of the Three Eyelets lace edging stitch pattern has been eliminated and replaced with the I-cord stem construction for the leaf.

Designing with Elements of Lace Edging Patterns

 Do you see the similarities?

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5 Responses to Designing with Elements of Lace Edging Patterns

  1. Jean Wallberg says:

    This is the third time that my previous password has been wrong.
    It is discouraging
    I have copied all the passwords with capital letters.
    I don’t understand why.

  2. Pingback: Turning a Lace Edging into a Leaf | Knit HeartStrings

  3. Pingback: More Ideas for Using Elements of Lace Edgings in New Ways | Knit HeartStrings

  4. Carol Dunn says:

    I purchased the Leaves pattern from a local store a few years ago, the store is out of business now. I need to try to make them while it is the season here in Michigan. Carol

  5. Patricia says:

    Thank you so much for the leaf pattern

    I am going to have so much fun with these


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