Last day of Three Eyelets Sachet – Are you ready for more Bits of Lace 2012?

This is the last day of Three Eyelets Sachet in the Bits of Lace 2012 series. I hope you enjoyed making a sachet or two, and I hope you learned a bit from it as well, along with the tutorials, tips & techniques this month.

If you liked this month’s project and like the idea of starting off your knitting with a piece of lace edging like we did with the Three Eyelets Sachet (i.e. no seaming), I wanted to point out that  HeartStrings pattern #A85 Summer Lace Anklets features anklet-style socks that start with a split cuff lace edging.

Summer Lace Anklets with split cuff lace edging

Summer Lace Anklets with split cuff lace edging

I encourage you to continue to think of creative ways you can use lace edgings in similar ways. Have fun!

p.s. I’ll be back tomorrow with the next monthly pattern project for Bits of Lace 2012. Stop by then so you can find out what the new month’s pattern is; grab it early and get started. More fun and bit-size learnin’ a-comin’!

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