Fabulous Beaded Eggs KAL

3-dimensional easy-to-knit eggs glistening with colorful beads

Get ready for the prettiest Easter egg hunt ever when you knit your own beaded eggs!

Fab Bead Eggs is a Faberge-inspired knitting pattern for beaded 3-dimensional egg shape whimsies.

Fab Bead Egg

Fab Bead Egg

These eggs do not pretend to approach the magnificence of true Faberge, yet you can take pride in them as your own little works of art. Undoubtedly, you’ll impress everyone with your bead-sparkly creativity. Besides, they are simply fun to knit and display.

Go to the Fabulous Beaded Eggs KAL page where you can get the pattern at your special membership level discount as described below.

Time-limited Offer for Paid Plans Members

As part of the benefits of paid level plans, the featured monthly KAL pattern is available to KnitHeartStrings Basic Level and Premium Level members as a FREE DOWNLOAD for a limited time during the KAL in the Knit-A-Longs area of the site.

Note to Premium level members: Check the Premium Area for your coupon code to deliver the featured KAL pattern free to your Ravelry library. Early access begins prior to the KAL opening date for other members, so be sure to check the Premium Area for new specials and bonuses often.

Time-limited Offer for Free Limited Content Members

Limited Content Level members get free access to all tutorials, tips & techniques articles. As a thank you for participating in the KAL, you also get 50% DISCOUNT off the featured monthly KAL pattern. Note: Discount period varies so please see details with dates announced for each KAL.

For even more savings and extra benefits, consider upgrading to a Basic or Premium paid plan.

Inviting you to knit along, learn along, and enjoy the making,


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