Ideas for finding places to buy beads

I have started a page for Bead Sources (under the Member Services menu at the site).

I encourage you to first check for sources of quality beads locally. Besides the obvious sources like bead shops (which unfortunately oftentimes do not have the type beads needed with larger holes for knitting with) and craft shops (which oftentimes only have cheaper, poor quality beads which will eat through your yarn), some yarn shops now carry quality beads for knitting. Also check with needlepoint, cross stitch and quilting shops that carry beads.

Assorted beads to use with knittingThe Japanese-manufactured seed beads for knitting are usually the most consistently uniform, smooth and have the most stable colors/finishes. My personal favorite brand is Miyuki.

If you have a place you like to buy beads from either locally or online, please let me know so I can add it to this list to help everyone find the beads they want and need for their BOBBOL 2013 projects.

If you are a business that sells beads and HeartStrings knitting patterns, I also invite you to let me know so I can add you as a source, too!

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