It’s Here! Get Your Smoke Ring KAL Pattern Now

Will you join us? This month’s KAL revisits lace edgings, the Bits of Lace focus area that started off KnitHeartStrings in January 2012!

Our project is Smoke Ring with Lace Edging, a versatile accessory you can wear laid on your shoulders as a dressy cowl neckline, or pulled over your head for light-as-air warmth without messing your hairdo.

Smoke Ring with Lace Edging

Smoke Ring with Lace Edging

Go to the Smoke Ring KAL page now to get your pattern and start knitting. Be sure you are logged in so that you will see the discounted pattern offer for your KnitHeartStrings member level.

The “smoke” part of the name smoke ring refers to the light-as-air fibers with superb warmth for their weight that are often used in making smoke rings. See Picking Your Yarn for characteristics to keep in mind as you choose the yarn to knit your smoke ring.

The “ring” part of the name refers to the smoke ring’s tubular construction. Most often, the smoke is knitted circularly to make a seamless tube. Lace stitch patterns are often used in knitting smoke rings, giving this form of cowl/wimple a dressy, upscale look. 

Techniques used and described

The lace edging of Smoke Ring with Lace Edging is a beautiful addition to the basic smoke ring tube. For this pattern, the lace edging also serves as the beginning foundation of the tube.

Like most lace edgings, you’ll be starting on just a few stitches (11 to be exact!). So, even if you are new to lace, this is a great project to start exploring the structure and techniques of knitted lace.

For knitters of all skill, there are interesting techniques throughout. I hope you might even pick up a tip or two along the way that you didn’t know or had forgotten about.

  • Beginning with a strip of pretty lace edging knit flat. Detailed instructions are included for provisional cast on and grafting for an invisible seam.
  • Picking up stitches and knitting circularly in an overall lace stitch pattern.
  • Binding off in a decorative lacy stitch.

Join Now

I hope you will join us to learn and knit along for Smoke Ring with Lace Edging. If you already are a KnitHeartStrings member, just login and go to the Smoke Ring KAL page now to get your pattern and start knitting.

If you are not yet a member of KnitHeartStrings, you can Join Here.

Mary Jo S. wrote: “Although I’ve been knitting for over 50 years, each time I work thru your projects I am finding hints and help to improve the quality of my work. Thank you for making learning so easy and enjoyable.”


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