Knitted Ribbons

When I originally announced the tentative schedule to do Knitted Ribbons for December’s project, I had several requests from enthusiastic members to move the project up one month so there would be ample time to knit ribbons to dress up holiday gifts for mailing.

So here ya’ go … the Bits of Lace Knitted Ribbons pattern is now available free for a limited time to members. As usual, just login and click under the menu item for Free Membership Pattern. This offer is only good for November, so don’t wait too long!

Knitted Ribbon in chained metallic gold yarn

Knitted Lace Ribbon in chained metallic gold yarn

The Knitted Ribbons monthly project focus will continue to explore elements of lace edgings. In October, we took the main shaped area of a simple lace edging and turned it back on itself to create an Oak Leaf. This month, we dissect headings used in earlier months’ projects, and will create lace ribbons to distinctively dress-up your holiday gifts and even become a gift in themselves.

Don’t worry if you missed the projects earlier this year in which the techniques were covered. I’ll be discussing them in tips & techniques posts throughout the month so that the Knitted Ribbons project will be easy learning and practice for both those who are new and those who want to benefit from a bit of review.

And besides that, Knitted Ribbons are a great stash buster to use up leftovers of sparkly, festive yarns. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Are you ready to have some more fun? There were 1622 member downloads of the Bits of Lace Oak Leaf pattern in October month. Let’s make November an even bigger month. Invite your knitting friends to join our group! (and remember to tell them it is still free)

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3 Responses to Knitted Ribbons

  1. susan says:

    I cannot get this pattern to download, yes, I am logged in, any ideas? Sue

    • jackiees says:

      You might be getting blocked by the security settings in the web browser you are using. This could have come about with a relatively recent update by Microsoft if this is the underlying software you are running. Beverly posted the steps to change your Security Setings to Un-block Downloads

      If you’d rather not go through that, you could also just try a different browser that doesn’t have the Microsoft quirks. Firefox seems to work consistently for people who have tried that instead. If you don’t already have it, just search for it and it is a free download to install.

  2. Marianne says:

    Oh you have done it again, I’ll have to put my WIP’s away and start on this, can think of several gifts I’d love to decorate with this beautiful ribbon!!!
    Thank you so very much as always your designs are beautiful works of art!

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