This is the last day that the Lace Cable Bookmark pattern will be available in the Free Membership Area. I hope you enjoyed making a lace bookmark, and I hope you learned a bit more about lace and charts.
Tomorrow we move on to the next monthly pattern project for Bits of Lace 2012. Stop by then so you can find out what the new month’s project is, get the pattern for free and get started early. More fun and bit-size learnin’ a-comin’!
p.s. If you liked this month’s project and like knitting with beads, there are 4 different beaded versions of the Lace Cable design also available for sale as HeartStrings pattern #A94 Beaded Lace Cable Bookmarks and Bracelets.
The lace bookmark is pretty. I did a bookmark with an embroidery pattern in drawn thread. It is in linen.
The Lace Cable Bookmark is only available for purchase now.