New Ravelry delivery option

Exciting news for Ravelry members! Do you like to keep your patterns in your library at Ravelry?

KnitHeartStrings Members can now also get the monthly KnitHeartStrings member pattern delivered to their Ravelry library for free. A Coupon Code will be offered to apply to the pattern purchase price at Ravelry.

Not a Ravelry member? KnitHeartStrings Members can also still download the monthly   member  pattern directly from this site without going through Ravelry.

But if by chance you are one of those having trouble downloading from this site (for whatever reason), signing up with Ravelry and downloading to your library account there is now an alternative.

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4 Responses to New Ravelry delivery option

  1. Maureen says:

    This is an excellent idea. When my pc has been ‘playing up’ on the past and has had downloading problems I have missed receiving my downloads correctly. I wish all d/l could be stored in ravelry. Thank you for this

  2. MarieAnge says:

    The best idea ever!!!
    I love storing my patterns in my Ravelry account.
    I know exactly where they are and I can access them from anywhere!
    Thank you 🙂

  3. Jennifer Lucas says:

    I think this is a wonderful idea! I do like to keep my patterns in my Ravelry library and have started going to Ravelry first when looking to purchase patterns because I prefer the whole setup. Thank you also, for the dolly shawl pattern. It is so cute!

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