Oops — corrected pattern

I hate when this happens and I can only blame it on myself for incorrectly typing in the changes that were marked on the editing proof of the Kitty In Your Lap Towel pattern. Serves me right for getting behind this month and then rushing to get the pattern out. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.

I’ve made the corrections the pattern that is available for download (and it also has been changed for any premium members who already had put the pattern in their Ravelry library).

If you had already downloaded the pattern (B11-3212), you can either re-download the corrected version (B11-3228), or mark up your copy with the following changes to the written instructions on pages 2 and 3 –

Kitty Area

Rows 7,15,23,31,39,47: there should be a k1 between the first two k1tbl’s rather than a yo.

Row 33: the first “(” should be before the K2tog (not before the K2togtbl).

Plain Area

Row 7: there should be a k1 between the first two k1tbl’s and last two k1tbl’s rather than a yo.

The charts are correct.

Thanks so much to Sue and Ellen for letting me know about the typos.

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2 Responses to Oops — corrected pattern

  1. Re: The Kitty Spa Cloth

    I would like the chart of this pattern before the month of August is over please. I would appreciate it very much.

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