Creating Your Personal List of Favorites
Login if you have not already done so. You can do this in the Member Login Area on any page of the Knit HeartStrings site.
If the Member Login area contains entry fields for your USERNAME and PASSWORD, this means you are not yet logged into the site. When not logged in, you will also see a red “x” if an article has a Bookmark Icon to the right of it, meaning you are not yet connected to your member account and therefore the system cannot bookmark that article as one of your favorites. Also, any articles that are member-only content will not show a Bookmark Icon until after you are logged in.

After you have logged in, Bookmark icons with a “+” sign will show to the right of each article.
When you are logged in, you can add a bookmark link for an article to your personal list of favorites by clicking the +Bookmark icon.

After you click the “+” Bookmark Icon, it will change to show it is a favorite.

To access your personal favorites, click on the Member Services menu.

Then click on Favorites.

The list of favorite articles you have bookmarked shows up like this.
To conveniently bring up a favorite article, just click on the title of the article you want.

If you want to remove a favorite, click on the check box, then click on “Remove”.