
Bits of Lace, Bits of Beads and Beyond BOBBOL

A bit-sized knitting project each month packed with fun things to learn

Beyond BOBBOL carries on the tradition of learn-and-knit-a-longs for small projects while learning and practicing in bit-sized steps. If you have been avoiding learning to knit with beads or to knit lace or to try other new things because you think it is too hard, I am going to tempt you with a little project each month that involves just a few stitches.

BOBBOL 2013 Series (Bits of Beads/Bits of Lace) expanded the popular Bits of Lace 2012 Series with additional types of small lace projects and the addition of projects for building skills in beading.

Then in 2014, we went Beyond BOBBOL with  projects to refine our skills in lace and beads, and add new ones in other areas of knitting.

We are going Beyond BOBBOL again in 2015 with projects tailored to appetizer portions of unique stitches and techniques made easy with KnitHeartStrings extra hand-holding KAL’s. Even if you already know how, I think you will find the projects fun (and who knows, you might even pick up a tip or trick along the way).

Each month’s KAL project will be selected with a focus on building skills in bit-sized steps. Some projects will be lace and some not. Some will be beads and some not. Some will go beyond lace and beads to try new things in other areas. There will be something for everyone. As a KAL participant, you’ll also be automatically entered for the monthly Prize Drawings.

Current KAL: Americana Placemat

Americana PlacematKnit a bit of fictional history with this 39-star placemat size version of a red, white and blue flag. The lacy feather and fan stripes symbolize the flag waving in the breeze. The 5-pointed stars are created with a nifty combination of knit stitch and simple embroidery.

Get the Americana Placemat pattern with your membership discount HERE.

Sneak Peek for an Upcoming KAL: Lacy Fleur de Lis

beaded lace fleur de lis

The fleur-de-lis is often associated with areas formerly settled by France, such as Louisiana where I live. The French translation of fleur de lis is lily flower. The commonly occurring decorative and symbolic representations of the fleur-de-lis are stylized designs of either a lily or iris.

The fleur-de-lis knitted motif shown here is featured in our next KAL. Knit a scarf in your choice of color — perhaps purple for an iris? or white for a lily? Beads are optionally added using the crochet hook method for as-you-go placement as shown or your choice.

Time-limited Offer for Paid Plans Members

As part of the benefits of paid level plans, the featured monthly KAL pattern is available to KnitHeartStrings Basic Level and Premium Level members as a FREE DOWNLOAD for a limited time during the KAL in the Knit-A-Longs area of the site.

Note to Premium level members: Check the Premium Area for your coupon code to deliver the featured KAL pattern free to your Ravelry library. Early access begins prior to the KAL opening date for other members, so be sure to check the Premium Area for new specials and bonuses often.

Time-limited Offer for Free Limited Content Members

Limited Content Level members get free access to all tutorials, tips & techniques articles. As a thank you for participating in the KAL, you also get a DISCOUNT off the featured monthly KAL pattern. Note: Discount period and offers vary so please see details with dates announced for each KAL.

For even more savings and extra benefits, consider upgrading to a Basic or Premium paid plan.

Previous KAL’s

If you missed previous knit-alongs, you can still take advantage of extra bonus FREE tutorials, tips & techniques articles in the blog archives at KnitHeartStrings.

Inviting you to knit along, learn along, and enjoy the making,


p.s. If you are a new member and have not yet confirmed your newsletter invitation, be sure to do that so you do not get disconnected/removed from the system and can no longer access this site for members-only content. More info at The Key to Keeping Your Free Membership Active.

112 Responses to Learn-and-Knit-Alongs

  1. Katherine says:

    I am having difficulty with line 6. By the time I complete 4 repeats of the bind off ( sl 1 k1 psso) I don’t have enough stitches to complete the row. Am I doing this right? Well apparently I am not doing something right. Any suggestions?

    • Bonnie says:

      Row 6: sl 1 wyib, (k1, pass slipped st over to bind off) 4 times, k3, yo, p2tog. (6 sts)

      Katherine, the repeat is only what is in parenthesis (k1, psso). Do not slip 1, except at the beginning of the row. Hope this helps!


  2. Jane S. says:

    Thank you so much for the lace pattern! I have crocheted lace for years but knitting it has seemed really intimidating for some reason. I don’t have any little girls to knit for so I think I’ll be knitting this edging for my own socks. 🙂

  3. Karen says:

    Thank you for the pattern Jackie. I am going to do this on a pair of pillow cases for a wedding shower.

  4. Karen bonter says:

    Thank you so much for the lovely lace trim. I have 3 Granddaughters to knit socks for so the trim will be a nice addition. I am also going to try the trim as a scarf border.

  5. Carolyn says:

    Jackie….what a great idea! I am going to use this project as a knitalong for Skein Lane and Heart Strings. Thank you for your creativity!

  6. Grace says:

    with a brand new grand daughter this couldn’t come at a better time Thank you Jackie!!

  7. Knittat says:

    The lace looks so cute. Thank you so much for the instructions for the yo at the beginning of a row. I’ve never been able to figure out how to do it and always skipped patterns that required it. Your instruction was as plain as day.
    Question, how do you do your half hitch cast-on? Is it known by another name? I’ve looked through my books without finding it (had forgotten there were so many cast-ons) and checked Ravelry where it was equated with everything from a backwards loop cast-on, long tail cast on, variation of provisional cast-on, etc—help, please. Thank you so much.

  8. TerryBaxter says:

    Ok Jackie, I fineally figured out how to get on the site. The lace-edged baby sock pattern is adorable. Thank you!

  9. Beth says:

    Whew!. Ok, now I am certain there are some things just meant for using the IPod for. I had no trouble getting here and making an account via the desktop. I have downloaded the pattern. I am not sure I have the thread that is required, but I do have some crochet cotton and also some DK. So I can still give the pattern a whirl by using larger needles. ( No not ON socks, but to give the pattern a ‘run thru’) Thank you for the invite and creating a site for us to hone our skills.

  10. Susan says:

    Thanks Jacquie

  11. Nancy says:

    Thank you! I have also wanted to learn to knit lace. I appreciate the opportunity to learn here and to be able to ask questions. Great site!

  12. jackiees says:

    How is it going for everyone. Has anyone started the lace edging? What are you using?

    • Ruth says:

      I’m a rookie at lace knitting. I gave the lace edging a try & I am impressed!! The pattern is very easy to follow. I used no.20 crochet cotton & 2.75mm dpn.

  13. Sheilah says:

    Thank You! I love lace knitting! I also enjoy bobbin lace and I believe I am about to find another “love”! Thanks for taking the time to share this with us!

  14. Samalee says:

    I love knitting lace! I can’t wait to get started!

  15. Krystyna says:

    Thank you for the site am looking forward to making the edging.

  16. Renee says:

    Love the edging for baby socks. Plan to try making them very soon.

  17. linda says:

    Love the new look! Jackie thank you for sharing a simple lace pattern. This is new
    to me. I so look forward to trying this.

  18. Christine says:

    Sweet, and just right for the new little one in our family. Thanks!!

  19. Heather says:

    Thanks, Jackie – adorable lace for a winter afternoon.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you Jackie. These are just what I need to make for a small gift to include for a baby shower.

  21. Nancy says:

    Thanks very much.

  22. Nanette says:

    Thank you Jackie, I love your patterns and this is just in time, all my nieces are having babies!

  23. Patty T says:

    This looks like so much fun — a new lace project every month!

    Lace edgings “dress up” everyday items — this project could easily change hand towels or pillow cases into wedding or hostess gifts!

    Thanks, Jackie!

  24. handmadebysue says:

    Thanks, Jackie. I now have the pattern and am going to take this project along to the Craftsy Meetup this evening.

  25. Patti says:

    Really appreciate you, Jackie, for this free lace pattern. Thank you. Looking forward to the growth of your new venture!

  26. Ilene says:

    I don’t have a baby to make this for, but will enlarge it for myself, just for fun! I love knitting lace and look forward to learning more.

  27. Carolyn says:

    Thanks for starting this new series. Lace knitting is one of the “need to learn” things on my list for this year and a small project like this is not too overwhelming.

  28. suemorris says:

    Oooo this is very pretty,teacher just had a baby girl so I can put this on some socks for her! Thank you

  29. Susan Smith says:

    Neat pattern – and quick! And I even have a new baby (a friend’s become a grandma) for whom I can make these ASAP.

  30. Rosalyn says:

    I have followed your instructions and cannot successfully login. What am I doing wrong?

    • jackiees says:

      You need to register as a member of this new group site. So do the Join Today/Join Now stuff to register your user name, email address and set a password of your choosing for access to the free content.

  31. quiltingfarmer says:

    I think this edging would also look great on pillowcases. It looks like a rather quick to knit edging. I have a wedding shower to go to later this year and think I will give a pair of pillowcases with this edging.

  32. Cyndy says:

    A little slow but otherwise worked great. Thanks Jackie. As always your patterns inspire!!!

  33. Cerddin says:

    Thanks Jackie
    I love lace knitting even if I am a bit slow. I prefer charts to written instructions – will you be producing any of the patterns as charts? Well done on all you do.
    Canterbury, England

  34. Lesley says:

    Thank you so much for this initiative. I have started trying lace knitting and love it. Was given some Alpaca lace weight for Christmas and hope to be confident enough to use it soon. Every success with your new website and new ventures. Lesley from Cape Town, South Africa.

  35. Merne says:

    I am greatly looking forward to starting this. Nice!!

  36. Patricia says:

    I’ve crocheted edgings for a long time, but I’ve never knitted them. Now to try! Sounds fun.

  37. owlkatt says:

    Thanks so much for the darling pattern!

  38. Char says:

    I am new to lace knitting and so appreciate some small projects to ease my way! I love the larger projects I am seeing, but they are a bit daunting for a beginning lace knitter. Thank you so much for starting these projects for us. 🙂

  39. Joyce says:

    Let the game begin 🙂

  40. Coed says:

    I’m so excited to get started,only hope I can complete every project,really have problems with lace 🙁

    Hoping to solve those problems,thinking + 🙂

  41. peggy bass says:

    i learned to knit socks using Jackie’s patterns….this is going to be fun…peg in ks

  42. Katherine says:

    Happy to be here, I love lace. Thank you Jackie for taking on this endeavor and sharing it with all of us.

  43. Virginia says:

    Thank you for including me in this lace adventure! Good luck and happy learning to everybody!

  44. Cynthia says:

    Strange, as soon as I posted the above message – I got in! Great pattern, thanks! My daughter is pregnant (it’s a girl!) – so I guess I’ll go find a pair of socks & try this.

  45. Shari says:

    There are 700 of us?! That’s so great! Thank you, and the new site looks wonderful.

  46. Cynthia says:

    I’ve registered, but can’t get anywhere! Do you suppose the site is just overwhelmed? I’ll check back later to see if I can find the pattern.

  47. nathannev says:

    I can’t get into the site. My registration won’t work. Please help me.

  48. MarieAnge says:

    Thank you!
    I look forward to giving this bit o’ lace a go 🙂

  49. laura says:

    Cannot wait to begin. Thanks for this fun challenge.

  50. Kim says:

    Thank you so much Jackie.

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