November’s project in the BOBBOL 2013 Series
It’s dress up time! Indulge yourself with easy elegance. November’s KAL was Easy Elegance Mitts.
These fingerless gloves are easy to make, yet look so classy. Knit them with or without beads. For the beaded version, you will learn ways to knit smaller-holed beads into yarns that are thicker or textured.
Featured Techniques
- Knitting with beaded yarn (either purchased or making your own beaded accent yarn)
- Plaited ribbing
- Self-reinforced thumb slot (also good for any projects where you want a tidy, no-gaps horizontal buttonhole)
If you missed the knit-along for Easy Elegance Mitts, tutorials, tips and techniques are still available in the November 2013 KnitHeartStrings archives. Please purchase the pattern here —
[wp_eStore_fancy10 id=77]
Knit, learn, and enjoy the making!
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Pingback: Finishing Touches for Easy Elegance | Knit HeartStrings || BOBBOL 2013 Monthly KAL's
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I just received three email failure notices for emails sent to you over the last couple of days. The email (from your Help page) it said was nonresponsive is:
Have you received any emails from me today, yesterday? I tried sending you an update on my last order today, did you receive that? Unfortunately this seems to be the only way I can contact you at the moment.
I am sorry you are having delivery failures to my email address. I am not sure why (I have been otherwise getting lots of emails coming through to my address today). Feel free to meantime communicate with me about your order here, or phone me at 985-764-8094 CST.
I am sorry for the trouble here. It appears that it takes a day for me to get the failure notice as I got another one today. This is now four that have been returned. This is part of the message I received:
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
Mail server for “” unreachable for too long
I have no idea what the problem is, all my other emails are going out and coming in with no trouble.
Since you are running low on colors, instead of the black please send me an additional 2 of the white with the mixed beads. If white is out, please send 2 red with garnet beads.
Please let me know the status and thanks for your help.
For some reason the email address did not print in the above comment, I will try again (if it does not appear this time I will just give up – I added the spaces to the address in the hopes it will appear this time):
jackie @
I have 2 additional white with the mixed beads for you. That makes a total of 4 white with mixed beads. I will get these mailed out to you as soon as possible. I have put the 1 black kit I have remaining back into stock so that someone else can purchase it.
Sorry you are having trouble with the email address. Strange — I am get lots of emails in my inbox. But come to think of it, I see that you are using yahoo. So am wondering if I have been getting any emails from yahoo. Maybe that is where the trouble lies — it would not be the first time that yahoo has been acting up.
Meantime, you could try using this alternative email address of mine:
Thanks, that will be fine. Yes, this is a very strange problem to be sure.
I am about to start and I am wondering how the beads are added. Are they added after the mitts are knitted? When will there be info on how to do the beading with smaller beads than the yarn can accommodate?
This Heirloom Aristocrat 12 yarn is soooooo soft and beautiful! I have ordered several more kits in other colors! I can’t find this yarn for sale here anywhere. 🙁
Lovely and really easy ! I”ve finished the first one of the first pair. My plan for this evening is to see about putting a bead on a purl stitch; so I could bead the middle purl ridge.
Thank you! They are beautiful!