This is where you can update your member profile, change your password or upload a user picture that will be displayed on your comment posts.
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You must be logged in to change your Member Profile.
Note: The Username for logging in is the Username you supplied at registration time. It is NOT the email address you are using for your HeartStrings newsletter subscription. If you type your email address into the Username field, that is not going to work.
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Add or Change Info for Your Member Profile here –
Note 1: Profile image file should be 72 dpi in .jpg or .png format, less than 1MB and NO blanks/spaces in the filename.
Note 2: Unless you want to change your password, just leave the below password fields empty to keep current password.
I wanted to say after seeing such negative comments posted that I thoroughly enjoy the patterns and KALs you offer. I don’t always get to knit along, but as a premium member, I do get to download the patterns for free and I feel that I get way more than I pay for because of all the free patterns you do give us and your patterns are of such high quality and simply beautiful!! I have been very pleased with this option and maybe others might like to consider this instead of limited membership plans.
Hi Gina, I really appreciate your kind words and voice of support. It means a lot of me that you are enjoying your Premium Membership. To another wonderful year of knitting together whenever your time allows. I hope to entice you with more beautiful patterns that you cannot resist. 🙂
Jackie,what brand of thread is it that you are using for this as I want to try to get it here in Canada .Thanks
Hi Beth,
The size 10 crochet cotton thread I used for the main sample is by J&P Coats. It’s a pretty generic type cotton thread that is manufactured or sold under several different brand names. Here is the results of a search I did on Ravelry —
You can usually find this type of thread in craft stores.
I wish I could remember the brands that are generally available in Canada. But it has been quite a while since I’ve been able to get up that way.
For the two other sample models, I also used 5/2 Tencel which is manufactured at a mill in Canada (and I sell), but I do not know who else in Canada is selling it and under what name. Maybe do a google or Ravelry search?
Let me know if I can help further.
Thanks again for sharing your expertise and wonderful patterns over the years. It is tough building a business, but you have loyal followers and am sure your success will continue.
I just enrolled in the annual premium membership, and look forward to spending more time learning from you and with everyone else, as well as seeing what you have in store for 2014.
Thank you so much!
Due to health problems, I no longer wish to receive emails, but can not find where and how to stop them. Can you help?
Joyce, I am sad to hear of your health problems. I’ll take care of getting emails to you stopped. Good wishes to you on a road to better health. And I hope you will join us again when you can.
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Please tell me how to change my password to your site. I have searched and am unable to find it.
thank you!
Login with your old password. Then click “Edit Profile” under your member info near the right upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Or go here directly:
Jackie — I am a premium member but just haven’t been doing much of anything but the new year, I am making some changes. I would like to try to do one project a month (KAL). The projects are always so delightful and I am not a very advanced knitter. I am looking forward to this.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness in getting something to us each month. You are always so cheerful and uplifting. Now, I plan to be a part of that. I’ll be needing some help from someone out there – I hope we have a place to go for help. LOL
Merry Christmas,
Dear friends and designer, Jackie,I am so glad to be a premium member of heart strings. All the creations are beautiful! I dream to learn how in time.
It is my fervent hope to be able to learn lace. I have no knitter near me that knits any lace. Jackie my goal is to make the feather fan or old shale triangle shawl. Do you think an old lady can learn a new trick?
FYI, it has been two yrs since I had four stokes in two days. i was able to get hand use back, because as my darling hubby says ” Grace you have thevtenacity of a pit bull!!!”
I am trying to relearn heedle tatting and how to weave on a rigid heddle loom. Sadly I lost all my short term memory which makes life interesting… I could literally” Hide my own Easter bunny!”
My earthly trial is waging war against pain….. I fight trigeminal neuralgia,TN , now for 28 yrs and I am in constant pain… But if I could learn lace knitting, I know the concentration would help me fight this hellish pain. this has been proven in research!
Did you know that in London, Drs discovered that if a patient could get in the creative zone they required less meds over time…..and that is my hope.
Btw, what I fight, TN is termed by the medical community , “the most painful affliction known to , similar to a Lightening bolt in your face .” It has over an 85 % suicide rate.
If you know someone who describes headaches, oral pain, neck and face pain to be like a lightening bolt! They most likely are fighting TN.
So I am on an a plethora of meds, and I knit, needle tat, and spin fiber when able. I love to create with alpaca!
Grace – I would like to offer you a hug and a prayer for your trials. Persevere!! And I pray God will give you the ability to get though another day.
Hi Hi!
I tried to upload a picture several times on different days. You’re photo widget doesn’t like me either.
Susie Rose
tried to upload a picture 3 times and it failed each time. 🙁
Hi Joy, Just go ahead and email me the pic and I’ll be happy to take a look at it to get it posted.
The uploading of pictures is not working. I tried to upload a picture that wasn’t event 1MB, but 72 KB and it failed.
Hi Julia, I am sorry the uploading is not working for you. Why don’t you email me the pic and I will look into it and get it up for you.
Thanks for sending me the pic. The size was not the problem (obviously – but thank you for seeing that in the instructions). It was the spaces/blanks in the filename that can cause problems in translating between the different operating systems on your computer and the website server. I’ve uploaded after renaming the file to exclude the spaces and it should be fine now. If you want to change the picture in the future, of course, I’d be happy to help you. But just wanted to let you know what you can do on your end (if you have the means and know-how to do). If not – no problem, as I said, I’ll be happy to help you.
Uploading pic still fails for me….
Hi Patty, Just go ahead and email me the pic and I’ll be happy to take a look at it to get it posted.
Cant upload a pic
Roxee – Sorry you are having problems with the upload. Would you like to just email me the file and I will be happy to take care of it for you.
Uploading profile pic keeps failing.
Jacqueline – Sorry you are having problems with the upload. Would you like to just email me the file and I will be happy to take care of it for you.
Upload still isn’t working
Priscilla – Sorry you are having problems with the upload. Would you like to just email me the file and I will be happy to take care of it for you.
Thanks for the cool site, Jackie, and the lovely pattern. Looking forward to new things with this site.
You are welcome. Yes, there are more new things coming. Excited.
I updated my profile and was told I had changed my password. I did not change my passwor that I know of, and I had to type it 2 times, so I don’t see how I could make the same mistake twice. Please advise what I am supposed to do.
That’s weird. I don’t know Debby. Can you still login with the password you had before?
I updated my profile with rav id & birthday month as you asked us to but the upload keeps failing for my profile photo. Its the same one I use for Ravelry and blogs etc so I know it’s an appropriate size …. is this my problem or a glitch?
ok I’ll reply to myself … when I posted my question my photo was there. lol Aren’t computers fun ….
oh, ok. Great. Maybe you just had not refreshed the page after the upload. I think some computers need to do that because otherwise your computer still has the old cached page in memory. Glad it’s ok now! (you are looking good)
Can you email me the photo and I will test it out?
Am trying to update my details after adding my photo but the process keeps failing. I am not re-inputting my password. Can you help, please?
Thank you.
Your photo is showing up for me. Maybe the page is cached on your computer and doesn’t yet show the photo you uploaded. But it is there. Let me know if there is some other info you wanted to update. Also, be sure to confirm the email sent for your membership so that your status will become active. (until you confirm, the system has you in inactive status and you won’t be able to access some of the member-only content)
I am unable to get free ribbon lace pattern and I am logged in as mawrenc
Sorry you are having problems. You can go through the trouble-shooting tips in the Help section at
Thanks for the great pattern that will challenge my knitting skills! Happy Fall!
Please I have been logged in, top right corner says so, but I can not download free
patterns. Thanks for your help.
Tania, Please email me with the specific description of what you are doing and what happens, what computer operating system and web browser you are using (names and version numbers).
Hi Jackie,
I’m trying to sign in and the computer generated password won’t work. I have copied and pasted and put it in manually, but I still get the ‘wrong password’ message. Can you help? : )
have been trying to log in.. says wrong password. Submitted a re-set. Received new reset and will NOT accept it. Can u help?
Thank you for the wonderful site, Jackie! I love the edging on the dishtowel. I recently designed a lace edging with a similar look, so it is fun to see how many possibilities there are in knitting! I’m glad you are continuing despite this crazy weather. Thanks again!
How do I register for your newsletter. I have registered for the website.
Hi Antonia, You’ve been sent an email at your registered email address for this website. You just need to click the link in that email to confirm your newsletter subscription and you are in! If you are concerned about clicking the link, you could alternatively forward the email to my address at and I will be glad to complete the subscription registration for you. Glad you can join us!
Thanks for the prompt service and advice. Again, a senior moment on my part. I am now logged in to your wonderful site. I am so happy to be a part of your site. Thank you for all you do.
I have misplaced my original name used and password and have not been able to login. I keep submitting for a new password but none is being sent to me. What can I do?
Cheryl, You have not yet registered for access to this site. You need to do that to tie in your email subscription address to this site. See what I wrote Marge below on how to register. Let me know if this helps.
Can’t log in. I must admit I forgot what I used as my name and password. I usually write it down but apparently I didn’t this time. Can someone help or should I just do a new sign up?
Hi Marge,
The first time you try to access the membership areas at this website, you will need to register with email address you are using for the newsletter. On the registration form, use whatever user name you want (just letters or numbers – no special characters or spaces) and password you want to use (and will remember!). You will need that user name and password you set up so that you can login to the site.
Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Thank you so much. Everything is in order now.
I have always used one password but it isn’t working. I don’t want to change my password. Just one more thing I would have to remember.
Remember that the password is case sensitive. Also, you need to use the User Name you set up (which I just looked up in the member database and it says “LaurieIsabel”, not Laurie), rather than your email address. I don’t have access to your password, but if these tips do not help you and you want to email me offline and work thru whatever is going on in your computer to not let you login, let me know.
i cannot login. I got a computer generated password twice, but neither of them work. Help. Thanks, MaryAlice
If using a system-generated password rather than one you manually set, I suggest you copy and paste in system-generated passwords. System-generated passwords usually have special characters that sometimes do not translate correctly from your keyboard when typed.
I went to Ravelry to try and access the Quick knit-lace baby socks AND the Lace Bookmark, was willing to pay for it….but I just can’t access anything but pictures (and they are lovely!). Ugh…any suggestions?
This has been taken care of now.
Hi…me again. I have tried twice with two passwords that were given to me and I still cannot access the member site. I really don’t know why the site keeps telling me “wrong password”
You must not be typing in the password exactly as given. I suggest doing a copy-and-paste of the password from the email that was sent you in the password reset. Make sure you don’t copy in any extra leading or trailing spaces, as those won’t work. After you successfully login, then go to the Edit Profile area to change your password to something simpler to remember and type. The password is case sensitive (i.e. capital and small letters matter), so make sure you pay attention to that as well.
I still can not access my membership with the password you have given me.
I did not want to change my password. I did it inadvertently.
You should be able to just change it back to what you want.
I cannot log in although I registered. Is there a problem?
This looks like a lot of fun. Thank you.
the LACE is so beautiful! i am REALLY looking forward to this whole year of LACE
I can’t wait to get started knitting lace items – they are SO beautiful!!!
Happy to be a part of this group….. 🙂