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Ravelry Library Delivery – Free Patterns with Your Premium Membership
Get the BOBBOL 2015 KAL pattern Americana Placemat delivered to your Ravelry library for free through July 4, 2015.

Americana Placemat
Knit a bit of fictional history with this 39-star placemat size version of a red, white and blue flag. The lacy feather and fan stripes symbolize the flag waving in the breeze. The 5-pointed stars are created with a nifty combination of knit stitch and simple embroidery.
Go to the Ravelry Library Delivery page now to get your exclusive Coupon Code as part of your Premium Membership and put the Americana Placemat pattern in your Ravelry Library.
(Premium Members also get early access before the KAL pattern is released for download to the general membership on the KnitHeartStrings site.)
Monthly Prize Drawing
See what you could win! As a Premium Level member, you get automatic entry into prize drawings. No additional purchase necessary. See info about the current month’s Prize Drawing Giveaway.
Your Special Discounts
Offer #1: 50% off Spring Lace Leaves Scarf. At checkout, enter this coupon code in your shopping cart here at the KnitHeartStrings Store:
[emember_protected for=3-4-5]
Offer expires April 30, 2015.
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Offer#2: If you missed getting patterns during last year’s knit-along, take advantage of the following special discounts now to complete your set of BOBBOL 2013 patterns.
[emember_protected for=3-4-5]
Enter Coupon Code 502013 in your shopping cart here at the KnitHeartStrings Store to get any patterns you are missing for the 2013 BOBBOL series at 50% off. Expires May 31, 2015.
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Offer #3: Remember that you can also purchase anything from the KnitHeartStrings Store through your own Affiliate Link (see below for info) and get reimbursed 10% of the price.
PDF Articles for Convenient Download and Reference
A growing selection of popular KnitHeartStrings articles are available for convenient download and reference in PDF format on your iPad, computer or wherever. As a Premium Member, you can download these articles for free.
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This page always tells me that I do not have permission to view this area, although my log in info in the right hand column says that I do have premium membership: “Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs.”
I am sorry you are having trouble accessing the premium area content. I’m not sure why that would be happening to you. One suspicion is that the computer or electronic device you are using for internet access has memorized the content area of the page and is still showing you the pre-logged-in view of that page’s content area (i.e. the area to the left of the dynamic login area that is in the right column).
The reason that computers/devices are set up to memorize the content areas is supposedly to speed up what you see. But it can work against you, too, such as in situations like this. Do you know how to clear the cache and cookies on your computer/device? That will force your computer/device to fetch a new view of the content area.
You can contact me directly at jackie@heartstringsfiberarts.comif needed, and I’d be glad to try helping you work through the particulars of however you are set up (there are so many types of computers and devices these days, that it can be difficult to give one answer for everyone).
Hello: I purchased the premium membership in Nov ’14, but each time I try to access the premium level page I get a message that I don’t have permission to view the content. Please help.
I am sorry you are having trouble accessing the premium area content. I’m not sure why that would be happening to you. One suspicion is that the computer or electronic device you are using for internet access has memorized the content area of the page and is still showing you the pre-logged-in view of that page’s content area. Do you know how to clear the cache and cookies on your computer/device?
You can contact me directly at if needed, and I’d be glad to try helping you work through the particulars of however you are set up (there are so many types of computers and devices these days, that it can be difficult to give one answer for everyone).
Dear Jackie:
Thank you so much for your advice. By clearing temporary internet files I was able to access the premium member page. I have downloaded the mosaic ensemble and lacyflake patterns. What a cute ensemble – this will make a wonderful Valentine gift – to get us thru the last of winter.
Happy holidays and thank you for such a beautiful website.
Cathy Newman
The site says I am logged in and says I have premium membership. When I go to the screen that says its the premium area, it says I do not have permission to view this content. As far as I am aware I have only one account with you, I started as a basic member. I have no way way of sending a screen shot.
Its not that I am angry, I am frustrated, with businesses promising me one thing and delivering another. Then telling me it was in the small print. If I could read the small print. The Promises of wonderful things always turn out to be not so wonderful once they have your money!
Sharyn, I’m sorry you are frustrated. I agree that computers can sometimes be a frustrating experience. It entirely frustrates me, too! I am here to help you (if you can help me in finding whatever it is in what/how you are using to access the site that is causing it to not register your new security credentials). For example, your computer or tablet could be set to “memorize” (i.e. cache) internet sites you visit, and it is bringing up an old view of the page you are trying to access. Can you write me off-line directly at so we can go over what/how you are accessing the site. I have some ideas of things you can try to get back on track.
Great-Grandmother now! Where did the last 80 years go? Still knitting!!!
Great, hmmm. Congratulations, Jan. I don’t think I’ll get to that unless my eldest DGS marries very very early. He’s only 8.5 now. Your great grands must be well attired now. I’m sure you’re having a wonderful time with that.
I thought Premium member status allowed access to all these areas?
Hi Sharyn,
Yes, Premium members such as yourself have access to all areas of the KnitHeartStrings site. But you do need to be logged in with your membership username and current password so that the system knows it is you.
If you are having problems logging in or accessing a page, let me know at so I can help.
Pingback: Shopping List for July KAL | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs
Pingback: Get Ready for Spring Lace Leaves KAL | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs
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