Now I Have a Question for YOU … Thinking Ahead

I can’t believe we are already more than half-way through 2012.

Have you been having fun with Bits of Lace 2012? Have you started thinking about what you might want to do for 2013?

I’d love to get your input on what you would like for the focus in 2013.

a question for you

Some possibilities I’ve thought of are:

  • More Bits of Lace
    More bit-sized lace projects beyond lace edgings.
  • Bits of Beads
    Bit-sized projects that incorporate beads in a variety of ways.
  • Bitty Surprises
    A surprise bit-size project with a different focus technique each month.

I’m open to your suggestions, too. Or expanding on any of the suggestions here as a jumping off point with ideas that really spark your interest.

Please help me plan for our group! I want us all to have fun, and if we can learn something along the way, even better.

I’m looking forward to hearing your answers, suggestions and comments.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or on our Knitting Bits of Lace Facebook group page.

p.s. Just in case you are not following my Jackie E-S Blog, I wanted to let you know there are 3 recent articles I think you will like: an easy way to tell what size bead you have; what bead size goes with which yarn weight; and a photo tutorial for transferring pre-strung beads. Feel free to share links to these articles; the content there is open to everyone, even non-members.

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7 Responses to Now I Have a Question for YOU … Thinking Ahead

  1. Tandy says:

    I love the idea of Bitty Surprises!

  2. Martha Roseen says:

    I would love to see a general piece on beaded edging; adapting it to different projects, large or small – scarves, shawls, collars, wristers, cowls, hats…etc. I did a pattern for a charity hat with plastic pony beads [which I wouldn’t have chosen for myself] but it came out really nice, so I would like to be able to do more with beads.

  3. Janie says:

    I vote for more bits of lace…..keeping with the easier selections 🙂

  4. Cheryl Morrill says:

    I vote for more lace, with beads.

  5. Diane True says:

    Defining vote for bits of beads! Thanks!

  6. Laurel says:

    I love the patterns that you’ve posted – they’re all just lovely! My suggestion would be maybe some accessories such as jewelry.

  7. Penny Reese says:

    I vote for bits of beads. I have used them only a couple of times as mine just don’t look planned.

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