What is BOBBOL?

The BOBBOL Series will be a little pattern project each month of 2013. But I bet you are still asking — What is BOBBOL? Stay tuned and check back soon to find out. (or you can leave your guesses here, lol)

Thank you to all members participating in our 2012 Knitting Bits of Lace Series. During 2012, we knitted lace edgings as little projects and were inspired to create edgings as beautiful addition to garments, linens, and accessories. Because these trims are typically done on just a few stitches, each project took just a small amount of materials and time, while learning (or re-remembering) knitting skills to make knitting even more fun.

The final project of the year – A Bit of Lace Dolly Shawl – was a decided favorite based on server statistics and pattern downloads. But then, who cannot love something for a dolly or teddy. I think it must bring out the child-like memories in all of us (and help us reach to the children around us that we love so much — I know it does for me). What were your other favorite(s) in the Bits of Lace 2012 Series?

So now we are entering a new year. And with the encouragement and support of SO many people who have coaxed me to continue KnitHeartStrings (every bit helps, whether contributions to the costs of keeping the site running, or continuing to spread the word about my HeartStrings patterns which helps in the end to defray costs of the free patterns and services), I am going to keep the site going (at least for a while to the best of my ability).

I’ll be posting again soon with the first project pattern in the BOBBOL Series for 2013.

Happy New Year!

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