Inspiring Your Creative Passion
The online Store on KnitHeartStrings brings you knitting patterns for original designs from the Jackie E-S Collections published by HeartStrings FiberArts. PDF patterns are instant delivery. Pay and get immediate access for viewing and downloading anytime you want.
In addition to knitting patterns, please browse the store for special-purchase and sometimes hard-to-find supplies to use in your own fiber art creations.
NEW PRODUCT UPDATE: The newest additions to the product line-up are now available for convenient viewing and your shopping pleasure.
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Pingback: January's Giveaway - Hearts and Cats at Play | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs
Pingback: December's Prize Giveaway for Beaded Lace Doily Beret | Knit HeartStrings Learn-and-Knit-Alongs
Pingback: April Prize Giveaway | Knit HeartStrings
Pingback: Prize Pack Drawing - Please Help Choose Bead Color | Knit HeartStrings
My computer will not let me download the free January lesson even though I did everything right. I was able to download the December lesson last month so can’t figure out what is different.
I have not even changed software on the server here. I don’t know what could be different on your computer either. Have you tried re-booting (maybe there is just something that is overloading your computer at the moment), then re-try. Have you tried downloading via the Ravelry method?
I was of the understanding the leaf patterns were free. Is this not correct. I can’t seem to download them.
Members can download the free pattern of the month from the page link under the Free Membership Pattern menu item. As you can see, this page that you are writing from is the Store (i.e. where patterns are sold, and are available for purchase by non-members as well).
i am logged into the site but i can’t get the pattern to download. or even find a place to choose download. what am i doing wrong?
You don’t have to be logged in to buy stuff in the Store.
But as a logged in member, if you are looking for the place to download the free-to-members pattern project for the current month, click under the Menu item for “Free Membership Pattern”.