Making open squares in filet lace knitting: The ktd decrease

Now that you have selected your yarn and needles, let’s get started knitting I Heart Filet Lace.

Making Open Square Mesh for Filet Lace Knitting

After casting on loosely, the I Heart Filet Lace scarf proceeds with a mesh of open squares using a stitch sequence called a “knit through decrease” (abbreviated as ktd in the pattern). Combined with a yo that precedes this stitch sequence, the ktd produces a compensating decrease that lies down horizontally rather than at a slant. The horizontal orientation is what squares off the opening, whereas a regular slanting decrease would produce a more rounded opening.

If the ktd is new to you, you can follow along with this series of photos to help guide you.

Photo Tutorial for the pattern unit “yo, ktd”

Step 1: Bring yarn forward between needle points to front of work, as is usual for a yo between knit stitches.

Bring yarn forward between needle points to front of work, as is usual for a yo between knit stitches.

Step 2: Insert right-hand needle through next stitch purlwise.

Insert right-hand needl through next stitch purlwise.

Step 3: Grab second stitch knitwise with right-hand needle point and pull it through the first stitch. Tip: You can use your left thumb and index finger to pull down under the first and second stitches, thus stabilizing them while you manipulate the right-hand needle point to pull the second stitch through the first stitch.

Grab second stitch with right-hand needle point and pull it through the first stitch.

Step 4: Knit the second stitch as usual, wrapping yarn around needle counter-clockwise.

Knit the second stitch as usual, wrapping yarn around needle counter-clockwise.

Step 5: Pull the loop of yarn for the knit stitch through the second stitch.

Pull the loop of yarn for the knit stitch through the second stitch.

Step 6: Drop both the first and second stitches from the left-hand needle.

Drop both the first and second stitches from the left-hand needle.

Here is a close-up of the resulting filet lace open square mesh fabric.

close-up of filet lace mesh

close-up of filet lace mesh

The ktd is fast once you practice and get into the rhythm. I hope you enjoy adding it to your knitting bag of stitches as much as I have.

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2 Responses to Making open squares in filet lace knitting: The ktd decrease

  1. Is the 2nd row purl every stitch? And if I’m doing this stitch in the round would I just knit the 2nd row?
    Very pretty stitch with a nice bit of texture!
    Thank you!

  2. Linda Michaluk says:

    Very cool – thanks! Got to love knitting with rhythm…

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